Autumn fireworks testing - Josh 116
It is the story of the week - how Wolfgang Wagner may or may not have been pressurised to resign over the publication of Spencer & Braswell. I wonder how the Team feel now?
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
It is the story of the week - how Wolfgang Wagner may or may not have been pressurised to resign over the publication of Spencer & Braswell. I wonder how the Team feel now?
From the post at Climate Etc - more name calling of skeptics, but this one is ok.
Clearly the correct thing to do with data that does not fit.
Obscure cinematic reference? Well yes, but then isn't that kind of appropriate?
More cartoons by Josh here
I can't believe the IPCC can pull this one off - can they?
Some context. Over at Keith Kloor's Ray Pierrehumbert, RealClimate blog founder, left a rather rude comment ending with this about troublesome voices like McIntyre, McKittrick, and Watts.
"... big as the IPCC tent may be, I hope there will never be a place in it for any of these clowns."
Which made me conclude that Ray thinks that the IPCC is a circus and it should only be populated by approved and accredited clowns. Fair enough.
From Booker's latest article
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