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The story behind the BBC's 28gate scandal
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Why am I the only one that have any interest in this: "CO2 is all ...
Much of the complete bollocks that Phil Clarke has posted twice is just a rehash of ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
Recent posts

A few sites I've stumbled across recently....

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Entries in Blogs (236)



Thanks to everyone who has sent good wishes for my new role at GWPF, or passed them on in person at Chris Essex's lecture last night. 

Who knows, maybe I'll even write something from time to time...


Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas to all BishopHill readers and commenters and particularly to those who support the site through donations and subscriptions. It has been a fun year and I hope 2016 will prove just as inspirational.

Josh and Andrew

Card drawn for GWPF

PS There are now only 20 calendars left, so if you would like one but dont find one under the Christmas tree click here.


More 403s

Readers are still complaining of 403 errors, which seems to be caused by posting of multiple comments in a short space of time. I have chased Squarespace and they have asked for more screenshots of the error messages - they think there may be a different one now. If readers could oblige by sending pics to me or to Squarespace (via the email address given previously) that would be good.


403 errors

Quite a few people have been reporting 403 errors. I put in a ticket to Squarespace and here's the response.

The typical reason for getting this error message is because your customers IP addresses are being blocked from our servers...

Although clearing the cache and deleting the cookies can help. There is one big step that your viewers can do to resolve this, and that is to have them go to a Squarespace 7 site like

This site will prompt them to enter in a CAPTCHA and remove the block from their IP.

There are small cases where doing this wont work, and if you happen to run into one of these cases. Please have them take a screenshot of the error message, and get a copy of their IP address, and either write into us personally, or you can even forward us the information so that we can escalate the IP address, and get a deeper look into it.

Hope this helps.


Tip drive

Do you know it's almost a year since I did a tip drive on BH? I think it's time for another.

Many thanks as always to those who have been feeding the regular pot over the last twelve months. A few regulars have dropped out after long service, and thanks to them too. If anyone feels like stepping into the breach that would be nice.

I bet Exxon and Cuadrilla are wishing they'd contributed now.



The last chance saloons of the Paris climate conference, Climate Change Predictions is having a lovely time reviewing all the previous "last chances" we have faced.

Just how many last chance saloons are there in Climateville?


New blog: Climate Scepticism

There's a new blog in the Climate blogosphere with a contributors list of: Alex Cull, Ian Woolley, Scepticus, dwestonfront, Paul Matthews, Geoff Chambers, Richard Drake, Barry Woods, and John Shade.

Add it to your blog roll - it sounds interesting already!

Check it out here 



It's half term here and I'm off for a week. Blogging will therefore be light, although Josh and Messenger might post topical items in my absence.


Light work

I'm away for a few days and so blogging will be light or non-existent (although the mod may add the odd post for readers to discuss).



It's the Easter break and the family is going to take some time off. Blogging will therefore be light to non-existent for a few days. However, Today's Moderator and Josh may post topical stuff from time to time.



Today I'm off to the Scotsman conference on unconventional oil and gas, so blogging will again be light-to-nonexistent.

Normal service should be resumed tomorrow.



No blogging today because I'm on my travels.



Climate Change Predictions is a new blog on the climate block, which introduces itself thus:

We are a small group who have followed the global warming/ climate change issue for some years. Initially we didn’t know which version was correct but we noticed several things. One was the frequent use of predictions, often scary, that seemed on the surface to be believable. We wondered whether anyone ever went back to see if the predictions turned out to be true.

This blog presents predictions that have been made over the past 40 years or so and we leave it to you to make up your own mind about them.

Jo Nova points out that the post category of "hardest hit" is hilarious. Take a look.



Fuller's earth

Tom Fuller emails to say that he has reactivated his two climate and energy blogs at and

Welcome back Tom.


Niceness at home and abroad

Shub Niggurath is bemoaning the lack of venues in which there can be conversations across the lines of the climate debate.

Good discussions used to take place, on occasion, at WUWT or BH. There were brief periods when the old Collide-a-scape blog and Bart Verheggen’s site provided such moments. They are hard to come by now. Maybe the consensus and conspiracy poison spread mindlessly and artlessly throughout the blogs by certain people is to blame.

He's right of course. I have struggled long and hard to make BH the venue where that can happen, but it seems that a visit from, say Richard or Tamsin is guaranteed to get some people riled, with the result that moderation becomes a full-time occupation. I can't afford to spend that amount of time on it.

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