Donna power - Josh 131

As I finish putting the scans together from Wednesday I felt this deserved a post of its own - also my favorite from the day.
More at Cartoons by Josh
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
As I finish putting the scans together from Wednesday I felt this deserved a post of its own - also my favorite from the day.
More at Cartoons by Josh
Matt Ridley, Ruth Lea and a quick look at the weather from East Anglia from James Dent. One can feel the UHI (University Heat Island) effect from here.
A packed Committee Room 14, House of Commons, Westminster, London, UK, on Wednesday 30th Nov 2011, heard from Dr Philip Stott, Rev Philip Foster, Prof Ian Plimer, Donna Laframboise, James Dent, Ruth Lea and Matt Ridley. Josh sketched some notes.
Maybe too early to say if this will prove as ground breaking as the first series, but the first episode looks terrific.
James Delingpole writes about The Linear No Threshold Hypothesis
Josh's sketch notes of Cardinal George Pell's fine lecture on the Climate Change debate from a Christian perspective. Held at Westminster Hall, London, 26th Oct 2011.
This last week has been about the blog heavywwight wrestling match between The Blackboard's Lucia and Christopher Monckton in a discussion which is way above my grey cell grade. So how about some cartoons... Update: Part 3
H/t Chuckles who, on the Make haste more slowly post, wrote:
"Does this mean that John Abrahams comments, reported in the Guardian and Daily Climate, about Dr. Spencer constantly having to correct errors and revise work, are in fact correct?
Just not in the way Abrahams originally intended?"
Something a bit different - but then so is trying to get your head round a 'green government' bulldozing green spaces. Inspired by George at the Guardian.