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Entries in Hockey Stick (8)


Fruit loop - Josh 342

David Appell has been hard at work here on BishopHill. Although highly diverting I am not sure we learned a great deal except that Mr. Appell is keen on circular arguments.

But some of the comments were inspiring, so thank you!

Cartoons by Josh


You cant keep some things down - Josh 215

Over at Climate Audit, Steve has been looking at the resurfacing of some Hockey Stick science papers, and the fun continues here and here.

Cartoons by Josh

(click on the image for a slightly larger version)



Introducing 'The Scythe' - Josh 213



It has already been concluded by Marcott et al that their results should now show no modern uptick i.e. no Hockey Stick blade. As Richard Drake notes at Climate Audit the new look graph is like a scythe. An appropriate metaphor for those who are now reaping what they sowed for so many years. 

Cartoons by Josh


Hide da d.cline - Josh 169

Hopefully you've watched the video, read the posts and comments here and at Climate Audit and Watts Up With That. Basically Myles Allen has been castigating journalists for getting Climategate wrong while getting it spectacularly wrong himself. Nice one Myles. Honest error or disingenuous?

Cartoons by Josh


Ideological? Memo to Keith - Josh 160

Click image for larger version

Keith Kloor has probably got the message by now but I thought a helpful cartoon would underscore the fact that sceptical views on Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming are not based on ideology or political views but on the woeful state of climate science. Not all of climate science is in a dire state, of course, and many like Judith Curry, including Richard Betts and Tamsin Edwards, are making great efforts to create understanding and dialogue.

But until other scientists and commentators understand that the sceptical objection is primarily scientific they will be seen to be saying "There is nothing wrong with the science we do" which, ahem, will be something akin to a state of denial. How ironic.

Cartoons by Josh


Mann overboard - Josh 157

With Mike Mann's book still getting good coverage in various corners of the media I felt another cartoon was needed. Especially as another Mike, Mike Daisey, gave us such a brilliant quote: "I stand by it as a theatrical work" speaking of his made up story about the conditions at a Chinese factory which makes Apple products ( you can read the whole retraction here).

Mike Mann is not totally happy with all the PR, though, as we know from his Twitter reaction to reviews by Anne Jolis and Miranda Devine. He is probably going to be really teed off when he see this poll on the Daily Kos.

Click for a larger image

The article's title is 'Michael Mann is a Modern Hero and we need to acknowledge that!'. To date around 97% of readers do not agree and think he is either distorting evidence or should be fired from the University. That number sounds like a consensus to me.

And 'Game of Thrones'? It's an HBO blockbuster of a series based on George R R Martin's books 'A Song of Fire and Ice'. If you haven't seen the series you might not have the foggiest clue  what I am referring to... but, never mind, even the title 'A Song of Fire and Ice' couldn't be more apt. And guess what the show's slogan is: "Winter is coming".

Cartoons by Josh


Jack Hughes et al [2011] - Josh 110

Careful and precise measurements by Jack Hughes here,  Jun 18, 2011 at 10:57 AM 


Cartoons by Josh approximately here


Zombie science - Josh 109

Obscure cinematic reference? Well yes, but then isn't that kind of appropriate?


More cartoons by Josh here