Entries by Josh (345)

Conference on the Science and Economics of Climate Change - cartooned by Josh

Preposterous musings - Josh 97

More from the Muppet Meister (and a small tribute to Anthony for getting his paper accepted for publication)
Cartoons by Josh here

Climate-no-science now with Kaos! - Josh 97

Click here to see a bigger version
H/t Anthony at WUWT and Pharos at BishopHill
More cartoons by Josh here

Climate-no-science - Josh 96

Inspired by a hilarious post at WUWT about a Chemistry Kit with NO CHEMICALS! It reminds one of another area of 'science'...
More Cartoons by Josh here

Wonky Science - Josh 95

Lots of coverage of the tornado story elsewhere - Anthony Watts here ("folly"), Ryan Maue, Judy Curry, RP Jnr here. Nobody seems to have a good word to say for the Hockey Team.

More Spectating - Josh 92

Simon says - Josh 91

Incredible science - Josh 90

Simon Singh, at the Spectator debate, introduced himself as the least credible of the six speakers. Somewhat comically he then presented the audience with a credibility spectrum of people and institutions representing the alarmist and skeptical sides of the debate.
But if he is not credible, why would we believe what he says?
More cartoons by Josh here