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Entries in Energy (149)


Dark down under - Josh 382

In the news this week:

A dramatic, sudden loss of wind power generation was the root cause of South Australia’s state wide blackout last week.

Read about it at The Global Warming Policy Forum

Cartoons by Josh


Money to burn - Josh 368

Lots of news about renewables, especially wind and solar, feeling the sharp stab of economic reality and the burn of bankrupcy - see SunEdison, German renewables, more SunEdisonDutch wind and British green blundering - all via The GWPF.

This would be cheery news if governments hadn't wasted so much taxpayers cash on such pointless policies in the first place.

Cartoons by Josh


O tempora, O mores, O M&S

An announcement in Business Green

M and S, why do you do it?   Are you believing that you are saving the planet, or merely encouraging your green customers to think how wonderful you are?  Why are you involving children? (Don't answer that, I already know the answer).


What's your view?

 I have noticed an increase in references to hydrogen as fuel in the press lately.

Here are a couple for your comments - one appears dubious, while the  other enthuses about wind-powerd hydrogen storage facilities.



Renewable optimism

Hope springs eternal in Bloomberg's breast over the future of renewables, but how accurate is their forecast? Ten years to stop "global Co2 emissions? And what cost reductions might there be- removing the extravagant subsidies?

Click to read more ...


Liberally Dim - Josh 278

We did of course already know that the UK was planning on using diesel to compensate for renewable energy fluctuations, cartoon here. But Ed Davey's latest bright idea is to use diesel for just about any kind of hiccup in energy. And, of course, to have us, the public, pay for the privilege. See here, here and here.

Proper mad.

Cartoons by Josh


Out of tune & out of time - Josh 249


Ed Davey's performance yesterday at the Energy and Climate Change Committee, posted here, was a mix of horror and farce. DECC seem to live in a make believe world where increases in costs cost less and policies which increase carbon emissions will somehow magically decrease them, one day, somehow, somewhere.

What a pantomime. 

Cartoons by Josh


Energy opinion

Readers might like to take part in a survey of opinion on the subject of energy futures run by an undergraduate student at the School of Built Environment at Heriot-Watt university. It comes to me via Eddie Owens, the lecturer who invited me to speak there a year or so ago.

The survey is quite short, so should only take a few minutes of your time.

See it here.


The Smart Money - Josh 206

I wonder who will benefit the most from Smart Meters?

Cartoons by Josh


Energy, just like old times - Josh 205


It's an all-out media war against the Green Energy Lobby says The GWPF

Excellent, carry on!

Cartoons by Josh

(and spelling corrected, thank you!)



Yeo must go

The Telegraph is reporting that Conservative backbenchers are increasingly unhappy with Tim Yeo's chairmanship of the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee. It seems that the vast flows of cash he receives from renewables companies are now seen as unacceptable. Yeo apparently issued a statement to the Mail:

Not only have my interests been correctly registered at all times but... they were listed in full on the ballot paper circulated to all MPs when I was elected chair of the committee in June 2010.

Furthermore, I’ve held the views I’ve expressed regularly on renewable energy consistently and strongly since 1993, as many publicly available documents over the last 19 years show.

That the Commons elected him despite his conflict of interest in 2010 does not seem to be a good reason for him to keep his position now. Yeo must go.


Oxburgh still spinning

Lord Oxburgh was interviewed on Australian radio the other day (H/T Australian Climate Madness), discussing global warming science and Climategate.

The interviewer is very impressed that an oil industry man is so convinced of AGW. He also seems well informed about Oxburgh's advisory role to banks and governments. Strangely, however, he doesn't seem to have picked up that Oxburgh is heavily involved in the renewables industry.

Funny that.


Compact, fluorescent, dangerous

Just minutes apart come two tweets about compact fluorescent lightbulbs. First this from Revkin:

Edward Hammer, inventor of helical CFL bulb, has died, age 80.

And then this from Ken Green.

Besides being expensive, undimmable, slow-to-brighten, giving off ugly light, and containing mercury, compact fluorescent bulbs apparently give off UV radiation that will damage your skin.

One assumes the close proximity of the tweets is coincidence.


UK energy policy faltering

The Telegraph is reporting that the government body charged with reviewing major state projects has sounded the alarm bell over UK energy policy.

Up to six flagship projects have been classified as "high risk" by the spending watchdog, including new nuclear power stations and key reforms of the electricity market.

However, the watchdog is “doubtful” that Britain can have a reliable energy supply from green sources and keep energy bills affordable under the current plans.

The authority, set up by David Cameron last year, has described the Coalition’s plans to encourage more wind farms and nuclear power stations as “feasible”.


Lib Diminished - Josh 144