I think Josh has struck the right note here. People like Turner have backed a particular nag, the hot climate alarmism one, and have put in much effort to persuade others to join them. The pesky climate system has failed to cooperate so far, and their bet looks increasingly to be a poor one. The trouble is that the loss is not just to Turner and his fellowed 'alarmed ones', but rather to society as a whole as it is weakened and harmed by policies, and attitudes towards the future, that have been pushed and even adopted as a result of his bet. A more prudent, and disinterested, preacher might instead encourage societies to strengthen their abilities to cope with climate variation, including, for example, not just warm excursions, but also the far more scary cold ones.
I'm not sure I understand how that horse illustrates uncertainty. On the contrary, you could make some extremely certain bets on that horse. Maybe, like fickoo, I just done get it.
The horse is called 'Rum Deal' and has a blanket saying Low Carbon Economy. The idea came from Lord Turner repeating the daftness that the more uncertain things were the more we should do something, presumably betting the future of the UK on a lame energy policy.
the Nag looks a little like Eeyore, the little cloud of darkness in Pooh. Eeyore would be gloomy just about anything--but here he may be right. Oh bother!
Reader Comments (25)
An up-side down hockey stick in one ear and a broken one in the other?
Koutsoyiannis making book. Come all ye punters.
Don, I did that completely unknowingly!
Tout or Insurance Salesman? The latter was known as "septic knuckles" in my youth.
Just a Freudian slip of the pen.
Flagellating a deceased quadruped is the favourite pastime of Mikey the mann.
Big oil etc etc.
I think Josh has struck the right note here. People like Turner have backed a particular nag, the hot climate alarmism one, and have put in much effort to persuade others to join them. The pesky climate system has failed to cooperate so far, and their bet looks increasingly to be a poor one. The trouble is that the loss is not just to Turner and his fellowed 'alarmed ones', but rather to society as a whole as it is weakened and harmed by policies, and attitudes towards the future, that have been pushed and even adopted as a result of his bet. A more prudent, and disinterested, preacher might instead encourage societies to strengthen their abilities to cope with climate variation, including, for example, not just warm excursions, but also the far more scary cold ones.
Lord Turner's got the IPCC in his pocket!
Shouldn't that be the other way round?
I don't get it
I'm not sure I understand how that horse illustrates uncertainty. On the contrary, you could make some extremely certain bets on that horse. Maybe, like fickoo, I just done get it.
The horse is called 'Rum Deal' and has a blanket saying Low Carbon Economy. The idea came from Lord Turner repeating the daftness that the more uncertain things were the more we should do something, presumably betting the future of the UK on a lame energy policy.
Poor thing looks roughly half nag half mule half camel and half llama.
Camels are designed by committee but this poor beast could only be designed by quango.
Lord Turner has a point because
things are worse now that they were before they were as bad as they are now and we need to prepare for er err errr
the Nag looks a little like Eeyore, the little cloud of darkness in Pooh. Eeyore would be gloomy just about anything--but here he may be right. Oh bother!
Donkey, a Democrat Ass.
Sancho weeps, and walks.
Ay yai yai, Cisco!
The Owl and the Pussycat paddle their boat, cuz the wind fell.
Three Men in a Boat in the Gulf of Lepanto.
The old gray mare,
she ain't what she used to be...
Wasn't "Red" Adair Turner, as chairman of the CBI, one of the most vociferous proponents of our entry into the Euro? I think we should be told.
I'd much prefer a 'run deal' in the form of a spliced mainbrace, though I'm sure Lord Turners version will leave a greater hangover.
Frosty Red Rum was a famous racehorse.
Love the surreal comments!
We need a book with all your cartoons, Josh!!! Christmas is coming!!!!!
Anyway - nice one, Josh, but it seems there's a slight confusion as to what sort of an animal that nag is.
It ain't a horse - it ain't a donkey - it's a mule!
Never bet on a mule - they are, well, mulish!
Well done, Josh!
So it really won't run, teeheehee!
(I got a dozen exclamation marks into this post - a record, surely ...)
Also, as an aside, never bet on a lightweight racing snail with no shell as they tend to be sluggish.
Josh could copy Bosch to illustrate the mess we're in.
Does the Lord walk upon a whale that Dallas has hooked and Paul K is helping him land?