Geoff Chambers has a blog

Also new in the blogroll is the blog of regular BH commenter Geoff Chambers. Do take a look at his most recent post.
“It’s … not … sustainable …” He gasped, emitting CO2 in short hot pants.
With a final groan he rolled over, and stared blankly at the ceiling.
“Darling, must you wear those when we make love? A little cross dressing is one thing, but pink frills – it’s so kitsch”.
“They belonged to my mother. She taught me to recycle everything”.
“Well you’d better not wear them to the Television studio. And for Gaia’s sake don’t say anything bad about Green”.
Thomas grunted. He’d wear what he bloody well like. Who would know, under his designer jeans? No-one, except that cute little assistant personal assistant’s assistant of Paxo’s, if he got the chance, after the interview.