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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Recent comments
Why am I the only one that have any interest in this: "CO2 is all ...
Much of the complete bollocks that Phil Clarke has posted twice is just a rehash of ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
Recent posts

A few sites I've stumbled across recently....

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Entries in Blogs (236)



I've had a late invitation to speak at a conference in London, so I will be on the road today. Blogging will therefore be light.


New blogs on the block

A couple of new blogs for readers to bookmark

Paul Matthews needs no introduction as a regular BH commenter and general scourge of the IPCC. His new blog is here.

Also new is Euan Mearns' blog. Euan was at the important, but now defunct Oil Drum blog for a long time but has just started up his own outlet. This extract from his first article sounds intriguing:

Together with fellow climate blogger Dr Clive Best, I have spent several months this year analysing the impact of cloud cover on variance of the surface temperature record and we have two papers under review on this topic [6,7]. The conclusion of both studies is that Earth’s climate can be simply modelled using combined cloud cover and CO2 variance (with no feedbacks) pointing to an equilibrium climate sensitivity close to 1.3˚C.



OK, I did it. Put ads on the site. No, I don't like it either, but the effort I put into it needs to pay, so this is the way it will have to be. (If anyone wants to offer me large sums of money to take the ads off again, I'm all ears!)

For me, it looks OK in Firefox and IE10. If anyone has problems let me know in the comments here, telling me which browser and version you are using.


Tech issues

A few readers are saying they can't see the comments on "The lords do battle" post. Can you let me know what browser and OS you are using. It's fine for me in FF22 and IE10 (win)


And they're off

I will shortly be heading off for the big smoke for the SciTech hearing tomorrow - not looking forward to the London heat but I'm sure the hearing itself will be interesting.

This seems like an opportune moment to do a tip drive. The donate button is over there on the right.



I'm off to London for the day - there's a GWPF event on. Blogging will therefore be light.


Light blogging

I'm away for a few days. Blogging will therefore be light, although I have a few posts lined up for while I'm away.



I'm off on my travels this morning, so the level of posting depends on whether I can get an internet connection.


The Kraken wakes

Having slept for most of the last two days I now seem to have emerged none the worse for wear. With a bit of luck normal service will resume over the weekend.


On bias

In the UK, the forces that environmentalism is able to deploy in support of its cause are pretty overwhelming. The government, the universities, the civil service, the schools, 90% of the print media, all of the BBC, including the comedy and drama departments, the army, the navy, the airforce, most big businesses, parts of the judiciary etc etc. Whole government departments are given over to propaganda in favour of environmentalism.

In the light of this, I think I do an important service in highlighting bits of information that don't fit the narrative.

Keith Kloor, on the other hand, thinks I should be a bit more even-handed.

I'll bear his concerns in mind.


Message to Clive

This is a message to Clive, who emailed my last night re setting up a user account at BH. I replied but got a bounce from your email. This is probably why your account is unverified.


Merry Christmas

Internet access has been erratic for the last couple of days, so I'm not sure if I will get a chance to post anything later on in the day.

That being the case, here's wishing all BH readers, and particularly those who help support the site in a myriad of different ways, a very happy Christmas.


Curry down

Readers are noting that Judith Curry's blog has been taken down, ostensibly for a terms of service violation.



Site down

My blog host, Squarespace, is located in New York. Its data centre has been hit by the hurricane and they are apparently unable to get fuel to the backup generators. The centre is going to have to close down shortly. I'll therefore be offline for a while.



Back from my travels and there has clearly been plenty to occupy everyone in my absence. The mountain of email extends as far as the eye can see, so please excuse me if you don't get a personal response. Thanks though to everyone who has sent interesting stories.