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It's the Easter break and the family is going to take some time off. Blogging will therefore be light to non-existent for a few days. However, Today's Moderator and Josh may post topical stuff from time to time.

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Reader Comments (6)

Let us hope the Bish enjoys a joyous Easter, undisturbed by VVUWT's bizarre call for "an artist’s impression of what the boiling oceans will do to the Easter Bunny"

Apr 6, 2015 at 7:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterRussell

Happy Easter to everyone !

Apr 6, 2015 at 8:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterJack Hughes

Happy Easter Bish and all. After another long winter yesterday's blue skies and warm sunshine were very welcome - but we decided head for the hills to enjoy some sledging to make the most it -

Apr 6, 2015 at 9:00 AM | Registered Commenterlapogus

Awa' 'n' enjoy yersels!

But what do you make of the Telegraph headline "...summer finally arrives"? It's the first week of April, FFS!!

Apr 6, 2015 at 9:04 AM | Registered CommenterMike Jackson

Mike - spring maybe, (still waiting for the daffodils to come out), and frost again last night, so I'd say still a long way from summer. Looking on the bright side, yesterday was the first day we did not light the wood stove since last October. (and we kept it fired up 24/7 from mid November to early March).

Apr 6, 2015 at 9:22 AM | Registered Commenterlapogus

Our daffodils are in full bloom but that's fairly normal here.
Night temperatures are still barely above freezing and everything is a good three weeks later than last year.
(Though comparing Burgundy with the highland glens is probably not a very useful test of anything!)

Apr 6, 2015 at 10:29 AM | Registered CommenterMike Jackson

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