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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Recent comments
Why am I the only one that have any interest in this: "CO2 is all ...
Much of the complete bollocks that Phil Clarke has posted twice is just a rehash of ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....

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Entries in Blogs (236)


Comment bug

Yesterday's commenting bug appears to have been fixed (although I haven't been officially notified). I've therefore switched HTML in comments back on.


All models are wrong

Occasional BH commenter Tamsin Edwards - a climatologist at the University of Bristol -  has started her own blog. About time too!

It's called All Models are Wrong, the corollary of course being that some are useful. I predict that this will become a must-read.

Tamsin's first post is about the travails of coming up with a blog name that wasn't going to bring down the wrath of one side or other of the global warming debate. I think All Models are Wrong is fine, although I couldn't help but be reminded of this. :-)


Off topic threads

The threads are getting out of hand again. I have imposed a timeout on BBD until Monday.


Tom's back

Tom Fuller is back in the blogging saddle, with a shiny new site called 3000 Quads.

Good to have you back Tom.


More problems at Skeptical Science

Shub notes some more integrity issues at Skeptical Science. Coming so soon after the comment editing problems, quote doctoring is not really a surprise.



The latest subscriber newsletter is available now. If you are a subscriber and haven't received your login details drop me a line.

If you'd like to receive the newsletter too, as well as helping support the site, the subscribe button is over there in the right-hand toolbar.


Moderation in most things

Squarespace appear to have broken the commenting system again, this time in a way that may be terminal. There has apparently been a change to the spam filter. The result of this is that a significant proportion (perhaps a third?) of comments are ending up in the moderation queue.

I've sat and watched the queue for couple of hours, and am going to take a break. So if your comment disappears, you will at least know what happened. I apologise for the inconvenience.

I was supposed to be working on the book tonight.

Not happy.


Happy new year

A happy new year to everyone.


Let the party commence

Things are about to kick off at the episcopal palace, and there's just a moment to wish all my readers a very merry Christmas.

Have fun!


Time for a tip drive

I haven't done a tip drive for a while. The tip box is over there on the right. Or better still, subscribe, in return for which you get a monthly newsletter telling you about what I'm working on.


The Black thread

The Black thread seems to have gone. Not sure whether this is finger trouble at this end or a bug or something at the Squarespace end.

Will keep you posted.


Just a bit busy

I'm a bit tied up with other stuff right now. Normal service should resume in a day or two.


More on record-keeping

Shub Niggurath has raised some more concerns about the standard of record-keeping at Skeptical Science.



Subscriber newsletter

The second subscriber newsletter has been emailed out. I've had a couple of email bounces, so if you were expecting to receive it but haven't, please get in touch.


Raising the game

The standard on the comments threads has deteriorated markedly in recent weeks and particularly today.

Please can commenters:

1. Avoid dominating threads. If you want to go toe to toe with another commenter, please take it to the discussion forum.

2. Please avoid insulting language and abusive analogies to other commenters and to people on other websites.

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