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The story behind the BBC's 28gate scandal
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Why am I the only one that have any interest in this: "CO2 is all ...
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Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
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Entries in Blogs (236)


Tip drive November 2014

It's a long time since I've done a tip drive, so I think it's time to dust off the tip box again. It's over there in the right-hand column.

Help keep the BH show on the road!


Light blogging

I'm away for a few days this week, so blogging will be light to non-existent. I have a couple of things lined up to post in my absence, and Today's Moderator (TM) may post topical threads too.


Bristol bound

I'm off to Bristol this morning as I will be attending the Mann lecture this evening. I'm expecting little of the occasion, but it will be nice to meet Anthony beforehand.

Blogging may be light for a couple of days.


More site issues

There is a major site issue at the moment - comments are not posting correctly. It's in the hands of Squarespace. That's all I know at the moment.



Faster bishop

Squarespace have emailed to say they think they have fixed the speed issues with the site. If you are still having problems, can you let me know in the comments.




Some people are experiencing positively glacial performance from the site. It's an issue with Squarespace, who are investigating.



I'm back. Sun-bronzed. Reinvigorated. Somewhat weightier than previously.

Normal service should be resumed shortly.


Tip drive

It's time I did a tip drive again I think. If you want to help keep the BH show on the road, you can donate or subscribe using the links over there on the right.

Grateful thanks to everyone who helps out.



As readers may have gathered, I have been a bit preoccupied in recent days, mainly with helping GWPF on this that and the other. I think things are now going to ease off a bit, so I can devote a bit more time to blogging.

One project that has been keeping me busy was helping with the report by Nic Lewis and Marcel Crok on climate sensitivity. Marcel tweeted about this earlier today:

Nic Lewis and I will present our GWPF report "A Sensitive Matter: How the IPCC buried evidence showing good news about global warming" on Thursday March 6 in press centre Nieuwspoort (The Hague, The Netherlands). Lewis and I will both give a presentation. There are still tickets available. The meeting starts at 10 am (Dutch time). To register send an email to

Two versions of the report (long and short one) can be downloaded on Thursday from the GWPF website.

The short version one is directed at the layman while the full long one is for more technically minded readers. They should help to provide James Painter with the answers to the questions he posed the other day. There's also a Dutch language version coming.

There are quite a few other things on the go, and which are keeping me very busy. These will appear over the next few days, weeks and months.


Two flood roundups

I'm taking flak from Richard North (doesn't everyone?) for not linking to him and Booker enough. This is slightly odd because I cited North a couple of days ago and there is a link to his EU revelations in the "Seen elsewhere" column. Still, Booker's article in the Spectator today - a roundup of the floods debacle - gives me an opportunity to air their work further.

It's interesting to compare this rather level-headed take on the floods with Damian Carrington's melodramatic offering of a couple of days ago:

The stormy assault mounted by the extreme weather since December is most relentless the nation has ever recorded, with one extreme attack has smashing in after another. The opening salvo - a huge East coast storm surge - was the most severe since at least 1953; the Christmas deluge sank Surrey and the Levels; the January monsoon was the greatest since at least 1766; ferocious, incessant winds topping 100mph are set to blow away decades-old records.

The problem is that the dull truth - bureaucracy and environmentalism - is just not as good a sales pitch as "OMG we're destroying the planet". The dull truth may well get through eventually, but it will be an uphill struggle against the massed forces of the disreputable.


Shout out for Donna

Donna Laframboise has been invited to give evidence to the Commons' Energy and Climate Change Committee's inquiry on the Fifth Assessment Report and is looking for help in paying her way over. It goes without saying that to get a sceptic in front of the inquiry is a major step forward, so it's an excellent use for your spare tenners.

Donate early and donate often, here.


Happy new year, everyone

A toast to the successes of 2013 and to continued sweeping away of global warming dogma in 2014.


Season's greetings

The celebrations are about to begin at the episcopal palace, so I'm now signing off for a couple of days.

Season's greetings to all BH readers.


Tip drive November 2013

It's been a few months since I did a tip drive, so if you'd like to help keep the BH show on the road the links are over there on the right. As always it's good to get people subscribing to the site, so (and I mean you at the back there) if you haven't helped out before, now could be your moment.


Light blogging

It's half term here, so blogging will be light this week. I have quite a few threads lined up to appear so there will be something to talk about.