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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Why am I the only one that have any interest in this: "CO2 is all ...
Much of the complete bollocks that Phil Clarke has posted twice is just a rehash of ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
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Entries by Josh (345)


Limited Integrity - Josh 359

Lots on the Green Blob's not having to tell the truth, see the post below and at Third Sector, OESG and at Michael Robert's blog which includes Ben Websters Times article.

Cartoons by Josh


Probable cause - Josh 358

Where does one start with a topic like "The Hottest Year Evah"? Probably with a climate expert - happily we have one right here

Cartoons by Josh


Old Reliable - Josh 357

There's a video titled "How reliable are satellite temperatures?" with the usual suspects giving their expert opinions. You can watch the video here and there is a post on WUWT here

H/t @GroenMNG for the idea.

Cartoons by Josh


Sustainable science - Josh 356

New Year is always a time to resolve to do better and maybe recycle stuff from 2015 that's lying around doing nothing useful. Happy 2016!

H/t to golf charlie for the inspiration ;-)

Posted by Josh


Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas to all BishopHill readers and commenters and particularly to those who support the site through donations and subscriptions. It has been a fun year and I hope 2016 will prove just as inspirational.

Josh and Andrew

Card drawn for GWPF

PS There are now only 20 calendars left, so if you would like one but dont find one under the Christmas tree click here.


All Trussed up - Josh 355

There is a bit of a furore about the money spent on Flood Defences, by the UK Gov, being less than half the amount spent on tackling climate change abroad. Not only that but Liz Truss says this is to help defend us from ISIS. Gosh.

Cartoons by Josh


Environ Mental - Josh 354

I was working on this cartoon yesterday when the story of Greenpeace entrapment broke.

With thanks (or apologies) to Tim Rayment for borrowing his phrase '50 shades of green' from an article in the Sunday Times - it seems a wholly appropriate phrase to describe the torturing of the planet that greens go for.

Cartoons by Josh 


Cartoons by Josh Calendar 2016

Buy it here!

The Calendar has cartoons from the past year, mostly on Energy, Environment and Climate Change topics. 
This year there are also political cartoons and caricatures.

The price of the Calendar is £19.50 and includes postage in the UK. 
If you are ordering from outside the UK I will email you any additional postage when you order.

The calendar is 28 x 44 cms (A3) in size, spiral bound with a hanger, and beautifully printed on 170gsm silk paper.

Please note: The calendars will be printed next week and deliveries will start the week beginning 8th December.

Finally, many thanks to all the readers and commenters at BishopHill and especially to our host - most of the cartoons would not have been drawn without you!

Cartoons by Josh


COP this - Josh 353

H/t Stewgreen for the BBC article "COP21: Public support for tough climate deal 'declines'"

Reading the article it looks like the decline in support is pretty much worldwide - see their graphic below.

Next up: the Calendar!

Cartoons by Josh

[Image updated: many thanks to our host for a much better (and funnier) Chinese translation.]



The Royal Air Farce - Josh 352

Prince Charles famously talks to his plants - nothing wrong with that, of course. Our host suggested a cartoon where we listen in to what he might be saying (H/t Climate Expert James Delingpole). Let's hope His Highness reads Roger Andrews too.

Cartoons by Josh

P.S. Is there any interest in a calendar this year? I am a bit late in getting round to it but do let me know if you would like one - I should be able to get some delivered before Christmas.


Alarmism in a Huff - Josh 351

Breibart reports on an extraordinary Huffington Post article arguing that the response to the terrorism in Paris should be "a successful Climate Change Conference". Gosh.

Cartoons by Josh


L'Alternative Paris

With COP21 coming up there is an alternative conference being organised.

The Paris Climate Challenge

In 2009 we laid down the Copenhagen Climate Challenge, when we asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to answer 10 questions about climate. We’re back to ask the same and more questions, and challenge the climate ‘consensus’ in Paris at COP 21 with alternative climate hypotheses. If you have something to say in Paris, we still have places for a few more speakers. Take some time to navigate our pages, you can leave a comment if you’d like to say something in response to the articles backing up our 10 questions to Ban Ki-Moon below.

Head over to this site to read all about it.

Posted by Josh


Food fight in Dodge City - Josh 350

Click image for larger version

With Last Chance Saloons in mind it is worth pausing to consider the amazing '97% consensus' (TM Climate Science) around the The Pause. It's been in the news this week with the Karl et al paper, the 'no-you-cant-have-our-emails' story, and the Meehl paper with comment by David Whitehouse. Cheers again, guys!

Cartoons by Josh


Cheers, Gavin! - Josh 349

Here's an odd thing.

Click to read more ...


US & Them - Josh 348



Business Standard reports that the US are stalling on the $100 Billion Climate Finance:

The US also asked that the economic reality at present should be taken into consideration, while asking countries to contribute to the climate funds.

H/t The GWPF 

Cartoons by Josh

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