L'Alternative Paris

With COP21 coming up there is an alternative conference being organised.
The Paris Climate Challenge
In 2009 we laid down the Copenhagen Climate Challenge, when we asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to answer 10 questions about climate. We’re back to ask the same and more questions, and challenge the climate ‘consensus’ in Paris at COP 21 with alternative climate hypotheses. If you have something to say in Paris, we still have places for a few more speakers. Take some time to navigate our pages, you can leave a comment if you’d like to say something in response to the articles backing up our 10 questions to Ban Ki-Moon below.
Head over to this site to read all about it.
Posted by Josh
Reader Comments (14)
That'll annoy the right people :-)
It is politics, not science. Nobody on the payroll from Banki down gives a toss about the science.
Timely to be in Rue La Rochefoucauld. The orators might recall one of his maxims:
"..the simplest man with enthusiasm persuades better than the most eloquent with none". Just in case any reporters bother to turn up.
And for any greenies...
"All of us have sufficient fortitude to bear the misfortunes of others."
"Before we set our hearts too much upon anything, let us examine how happy those are who already possess it."
"Hypocrisy is the homage which vice pays to virtue. "
Such fun!
I like it. Sceptics popping up behind warmists with a friendly smile and a wave. Still here guys!
As with the Philip Hammond letter below, not only will he not read it, he won't be allowed to read it. You'd think that powerful people might ask occasionally what information they're not being given, but it never seems to occur to them that there might be some...
Alas Piers can't even persuade his own brother. What chance does he have with anyone else?
have a video feed in for those who cannot manage to come (no heavily subsidized nannystate pooper job)
That way we can ridcule the COP freeloaders no end, all the way
Very cross that a sceptic farmer (Mr Agnew) has already been booked. I'd have liked that gig. I haven't told my joke south of the Channel.
Vive la Discorde!
Good to see some names well known here, including someone's father!
They should be careful that their conference venue doesn't get cancelled or "overbooked".
And of course there is this:
The dedicated civil society area at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference: a place for debate and knowledge
Just yards from another surrelist establishment, the Musee Moreau , which plans to put Viscount Monckton's latest solar powereed puzzle on display when his camel caravan arrives from Doha.
Your wife beating must stop immediately and other questions of this sort.