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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Entries in Pause (5)


Food fight in Dodge City - Josh 350

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With Last Chance Saloons in mind it is worth pausing to consider the amazing '97% consensus' (TM Climate Science) around the The Pause. It's been in the news this week with the Karl et al paper, the 'no-you-cant-have-our-emails' story, and the Meehl paper with comment by David Whitehouse. Cheers again, guys!

Cartoons by Josh


Don't Ever Name It A Lull - Josh 331


There is lots of news about science ending The Pause - so I am guessing they will call it a lull next and then shortly after that we will be told the one thing we cannot call it is... a lull.

As an extra bonus distraction why not think up what D.E.N.I.A.L. might stand for?

Cartoons by Josh

[Typo fixed, many thanks Leo!]


All together now - Josh 299

Another day and another metaphor, this time from Roger Harrabin on BBC Radio 4 about climate debaters now 'all singing from the same hymnbook' - see yesterday's post below.

It sounded like Roger thought sceptics were now changing their tune but clearly, with lower sensitivity, The Pause and no hope of any global policy harmony on the horizon, the strains that are coming from the alarmist camp now have much more of a sceptic air.

Cartoons by Josh

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Snail's pace - Josh 298

As Richard Betts notes here "I see the '2 degree limit' as rather like a speed limit on a road". And which is also quite an apt metaphor for the pause in global temperatures - slower than a not very extinct snail.

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Cartoons by Josh


Artificially flavoured, naturally variable - Josh 293

Flavours being added all the time.

Cartoons by Josh