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Entries by Josh (345)


Flush with success - Josh 266


It seemed wrong not to mark this weeks big news, though I realise no cartoon can come close to the hilarity of Lew's paper problems. I am sure there is solution round the bend, er... I mean, corner.

Cartoons by Josh

[H/t Simon Abingdon for mopping up the typo ]


The Incredibly Useful Sceptic Science & Policy Scale - Josh 265

I have been musing for some time about a way to show the range of sceptic views compared to non-sceptic views and I think I have come up with something simple that could be useful and fun.

Click to read more ...


RSPBonkers - Josh 264

Not to mention the wind turbines' need for tons of steel and concrete, the devastation of the countryside, permanent loss of habitat and noise pollution. And they produce little energy for no reduction in CO2 emissions. Barbaric vandalism. 

H/t BishopHill and Ron Hughes' grandson 

Cartoons by Josh


A Peer reviewed - Josh 263


 Evidence gleaned here.

Cartoons by Josh


Catching up - Josh 262

Recently, particularly since the 'Communicating the pause' blog post and discussion, it seems that Climate Science is trying to play catch up with sceptics. The latest Climate Sensitivity discussions have had a similar tone. Whatever the excuses for tardiness I think this is an entirely welcome development.

Cartoons by Josh



Behold, a Gordian - Josh 261

If you read the comment threads at Climate Audit then you will be familiar with a character called Nick Stokes who argues the impossible and indefensible with great tenacity. Steve's patience with him is exemplary and this thread, in particular, prompted the cartoon.

Cartoons by Josh


Up against the Wall - Josh 260

Over at Climate Audit Steve McIntyre's posts on the 'Mann vs Steyn' battle are great fun to read and the comments are very entertaining. The posts are here, here, here, here, here, and here, with another post added today.

Many thanks, Steve, for a great set of posts - the cartoons are queuing up.

Cartoons by Josh

PS In case you are wondering where Mann's attire comes from the reference is here



Comic Climate - Josh 259

Inspired by Emily Shuckburgh's recent performance at the Climate Change Committee AR5 hearing and with reference to Lauren Cooper (hilarious video), one of Catherine Tate's comic characters.

Cartoons by Josh


Climate Change Drugs Report - Josh 258

H/t Lord May on the Daily Politics Show who thought the weather being on steroids was an apt metaphor. Thanks also to Julia Slingo for the latest suitably vague scientivist phrase "consistent with".

Cartoons by Josh


Floods of PR - Josh 257

 But to be clear, we love water voles!

Cartoons by Josh


95% Certain? Yes, we are! - Josh 256

Hooray! Are we now 95% certain? Yes, we are! Yesterday we heard from UK climate science community about their work on AR5. The event was called "Climate Change 2013 - The Physical Science Basis. The Working Group 1 contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change." Josh was there to draw some cartoon notes.

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Eat and Swill - Josh 255

As posted earlier, Tim Yeo is in the news again with his local party voicing their misgivings about him fighting to stay on as their MP. 

In the Daily Mail Simon Barrett notes that "As a journalist, Charles Dickens reported on an Election in Sudbury, believed to be the fictional ‘rotten borough’ of ‘Eatanswill’ in Pickwick Papers".

'Eatanswill', just the kind of name to make Tim feel right at home. How prescient, Mr Dickens.

Cartoons by Josh


New Year's Eve Warmists' Party - Josh 254

Click image for a larger version

The Akademik Shokalskiy is much in the news, see here, here and at WUWT with an update here. So what better way to summarise the CAGW movement this year. And last year, and the year before that...

A Happy New Year to you all!

Cartoons by Josh


Happy Christmas to all - Josh 253

I dont think S. Claus et al will have been too pleased with the 'Christmas in a Bunker' Greenpeace video so I suspect they are on the naughty list. What with our very own Yeo and Deben 'Troughers' and lots of Anti-frackers it has been rather a naughty year.
Wishing you all a very peaceful holiday.



Spoof truth - Josh 252

There is a very funny post at WUWT here about an odd Facebook page called 'I Heart Climate Scientists'. The page seems to be doing its very best to reduce climate science credibility to zero using voodoo science and scary environmentialism.

Clearly they are not taking this whole thing seriously. Excellent, keep it up, guys.

Cartoons by Josh