
Eat and Swill - Josh 255

As posted earlier, Tim Yeo is in the news again with his local party voicing their misgivings about him fighting to stay on as their MP.
In the Daily Mail Simon Barrett notes that "As a journalist, Charles Dickens reported on an Election in Sudbury, believed to be the fictional ‘rotten borough’ of ‘Eatanswill’ in Pickwick Papers".
'Eatanswill', just the kind of name to make Tim feel right at home. How prescient, Mr Dickens.
Reader Comments (21)
It's almost a shame that Yeo is an Old Carthusian.
Keeping trougher Tim now would only add another few percent to the UKIP vote. Cameron should be getting a grip of the situation if he's not to become a lame duck himself.
It doesn't add up: "It's almost a shame that Yeo is an Old Carthusian."
That's what you get with the Master Plan to repopulate the senior roles in Society with the public school elite.
Plato update:
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by fraudsters and black market traders.
It beats me how Josh manages to make Yeo look like a porker - or is he making a porker look like Yeo. Either way, it's a rare skill.
Bish, you have a typo "thier".
[Thanks, fixed]
It beats me how Josh manages to make Yeo look like a porker - or is he making a porker look like Yeo. Either way, it's a rare skill.
Bish, you have a typo "thier".
He's certainly not an Old Cartesian, is he?
It's a pity Josh did not include "eco" taxis in the cartoon - a very nice little earner for Yohoho. They belch more pollutants than the ones drivers were forced to replace at high cost.
Those who write the 'Rules' allowing such troughing are therefore guilty of incompetence.
Like Phillip, I'm not sure if it's down to Yeo's preternaturally porcine features or Josh's penmanship, but the result is uncannily lifelike. I hope the UKIP candidate can make use of it... (with permission, of course!)
Very funny, especially as in 1999 Tim Yeo accused Jack Cunningham of "having 'been caught with his snout in the trough'."
Jack is now Lord and was also caught up in a lobbying sting involving reporters pretending to represent a fake solar energy company.
Usually, I am a huge fan of Josh's cartoons. Here, however, I don't think that Josh has drawn a good likeness of Yeo AT ALL. Firstly, the ears are more pointy that Yeo's ears. Secondly, I don't think that Yeo wears neckties that are such a rich shade of purple. So, there are MAJOR differences between Yeo and what Josh drew.
Life among the porkoisie...
FYI - I extracted fellow traveller Deben's dishonest comments on Germany's renewable production here:
the nose the altruism the well thought and balanced rethoric: spot on Yeo !
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
Animal Farm
A curiosity of our democratic system as desired by Bishop Hill is that those empowered to make decisions are required to be ignorant.
Those with expertise in a field are normally either professional academics or businessmen. Since they make a living in the field, they are deemed to have a financial interest and are banned from the decision-making process.
Bishop Hill would only allow those who know nothing about climate change to make policy.
"required to be ignorant"
No - just honest.
Yet another stultifyingly useless comment from E man.
We should be happy that local party activists are finally getting the message! Next stop Cameron ^.^
H/T Raedwald
Monday, 20 January 2014
Lord Yeo of Sandwich speaks