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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Entries in Climategate (5)


Hide da d.cline - Josh 169

Hopefully you've watched the video, read the posts and comments here and at Climate Audit and Watts Up With That. Basically Myles Allen has been castigating journalists for getting Climategate wrong while getting it spectacularly wrong himself. Nice one Myles. Honest error or disingenuous?

Cartoons by Josh


Give us a clouseau - Josh 166


Ideological? Memo to Keith - Josh 160

Click image for larger version

Keith Kloor has probably got the message by now but I thought a helpful cartoon would underscore the fact that sceptical views on Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming are not based on ideology or political views but on the woeful state of climate science. Not all of climate science is in a dire state, of course, and many like Judith Curry, including Richard Betts and Tamsin Edwards, are making great efforts to create understanding and dialogue.

But until other scientists and commentators understand that the sceptical objection is primarily scientific they will be seen to be saying "There is nothing wrong with the science we do" which, ahem, will be something akin to a state of denial. How ironic.

Cartoons by Josh


Opengate - Josh 158

(Click for a larger image)

It looks like John Cook and co at Skeptical Science are in a bit of a tizzy because their secret forum has been exposed to public view. Their complaint is that they have been hacked though John Cook admits that their security is almost non-existent.

What is interesting, in reading some of the excerpts from the forum posted here, is the similarities between the SkS secret forum and the Climategate emails - i.e. we know the facts don't support what we say but don't tell anyone!

That's ok, guys, your secrets are safe with us ;-)

Cartoons by Josh



A mountain of evidence - Josh 135