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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Why am I the only one that have any interest in this: "CO2 is all ...
Much of the complete bollocks that Phil Clarke has posted twice is just a rehash of ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
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Entries in Climate: Gore (10)


Spamvertising - Josh 207

A bit of an anniversary cartoon as it was a year ago this month that The Tree Hut Gang were were exposed in Opengate. Now they have branched out into Spamvertising (H/t Lucia) with Al Gore's Climate Reality Project. Read about on BH here, Lucia's here and WUWT here.

Let's hope they keep up this kind of tactic, it is so entertaining.

Click the image for a larger version

Cartoons by Josh




Organised astroturfing

Barry Woods alerts us to Al Gore's organised astroturfing organisation, in which people are encouraged to copy text from the Reality Drop website and paste it into climate-related comments threads.



George Monbiot has been very vocal against this sort of thing. It will be interesting to see how he responds, particularly since the Guardian's own pages are being targeted.

Incidentally, the Met Office are thanked on Reality Drop's "About" page. I wonder what their involvement is?


Mr Opportunity - Josh 198

Climat Depot reports on Al Gore's appearence on the David Letterman show. Al tells David 'There's a lot of opportunity in this crisis'. From Green tech to Oil funded Al Jazeera to Apple he has certainly done rather well.

Cartoons by Josh


Gorathon, the poster - Josh 133

Remember Gorathon? Well, now there is a coloured version of all the cartoons which can be printed out as a poster - just in time for Christmas.

Click to read more ...


Real sceptics

An excellent piece by Graham Strouts, looking at scepticism in general but with particular reference to Lomborg and Gore and the Horizon programme.

It seems to me that at some point the science ends and there is a cross-over into politics and ideology, and this is why Lomborg is important because he takes the conversation away from the purely technical issues of CO2 and emissions into what is the most cost-effective response. He could be wrong in his conclusions- I dont know. Pigliucci clearly thinks he is wrong, but his own ideology comes through most strikingly when he defends Gore against the charge of hypocrisy for his high-energy lifestyle while telling the rest of us we must cut back on everything to save the planet: “Gore pays for offsets to his travels in order to achieve a zero-carbon balance, just as he encourages the readers of An Inconvenient Truth to do.”


Josh 56


Green jobs scandal coming

Icecap is reporting that there is going to be a major ethics scandal breaking on Monday. Apparently someone in the Obama administration has a major conflict of interest regarding green jobs and the stimulus. There are links to Al Gore it seems.


Spring arrived early

...because it must be April fool's day. Bob Watson has declared that there is a problem with global warming science because of all the errors that have been identified in the IPCC reports:

Professor Watson, who served as chairman of the IPCC from 1997-2002, said: “The mistakes all appear to have gone in the direction of making it seem like climate change is more serious by overstating the impact. That is worrying. The IPCC needs to look at this trend in the errors and ask why it happened.”

But here's the hilarious bit - as well as saying that the IPCC should look at where the problems came from, Bob Watson has another plan, this time to convince us all of the credibility of what we're being told:

Professor Watson has held discussions with Al Gore, the former US Vice-President, about creating a new climate research group to supplement the work of the IPCC and to help restore the credibility of climate science.

Al Gore! Restore the credibility of climate science!!?? This is a joke, right?

(H/T Lubos Motls)



Al Gore's carbon footprint




His itinerary goes like this:

May 4, 2008--Ohio
May 3, 2008--Philadelphia
April 15, 2008--Geneva
April 11, 2008--San Francisco
April 8, 2008--Iceland
April 5, 2008--Montreal
March 18, 2008--New York
March 15, 2008--India
March 12, 2008--Poland
March 11, 2008--Geneva
March 1, 2008--Monterey, California
February 14, 2008--New York City
January 31, 2008--Atlanta
January 24, 2008--Switzerland
January 19, 2008--Park City, Utah

More at Tom Nelson, who notes that Al Gore thinks you shouldn't be able to choose what kind of lightbulb you use at home.



A tribute to Al Gore

Tim Slagle's very funny take on global warming. (Via here