
Climate-no-science - Josh 96

Inspired by a hilarious post at WUWT about a Chemistry Kit with NO CHEMICALS! It reminds one of another area of 'science'...
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Inspired by a hilarious post at WUWT about a Chemistry Kit with NO CHEMICALS! It reminds one of another area of 'science'...
More Cartoons by Josh here
Reader Comments (50)
Does it include a model to build?
Master the basics then update to the full fat Pro Edition:
'Redefine peer review'
'Circumvent FOI law'
'Invent a new currency'
'Restructure World Economy'
Fun for all the family!
The De-Luxe "Professional" Edition includes:-
"Persuade Oxbridge PPE Grads to Spend Gazillions on Stuff that Doesn't Work"
May contain nuts.
(Sorry, first put on wrong thread)
Josh might consider another 'kit' to celebrate UEA's latest foray into promoting dishonesty, theft and abracadabra as the basis for academic fields of study and future career choices:-
This might be interesting (if a bit off topic)
announces a visit by Chuckles to UEA "next Tuesday" (presumbly 26 April? could be 3 May))
The "read the entire article" doesn't work.
nothing I can see in Google / Bing for a visit to UEA since his famous visit in January 2010 to console and encourage the CRU "Team".
Nothing in what purports to be his official diary.
Did the local news hounds get it wrong, or is he flying under the radar?
Worse than we thought?
"announces a visit by Chuckles to..."
May 1, 2011 at 9:37 AM | Martin Brumby
Wow. Dehumanising nicknames for just about everybody who doesn't agree with you lot on this website. Certainly Andrew Montford is guilty of it as well, talking about 'Patchy' etc.
Totally undignified and makes you all seem very bitter. People who hold a minority fringe view for which there is no evidence often are bitter though - it's born of frustration.
An MSc from UEA in energy engineering and environmental management.
They're expecting big subsidies for unsustainable low energy density and intermittent energy sources to continue then. It sounds like a route to unemployment as the renewables scam unfolds. Students being misled to cough up huge fees to UEA no doubt. We need real engineers, not graduates who are taken in by this scam.
Calm down dear.
@May 1, 2011 at 10:00 AM | ZedsDeadBed
"Dehumanising nicknames for just about everybody who doesn't agree with you lot ......"
Hmmm. So what's "ZedsDeadBed" then? Copied from your Baptismal Certificate?
"makes you all seem very bitter".
Yes, I am bitter. Or, at least, angry.
A bunch of dishonest incompetents who have hi-jacked science and the political establishment, filled the media with unsupported nonsense and who are responsible for doubling my energy bills and depriving the Third World poor of what they need most - affordable and reliable energy. So I should be wreathed in smiles?
Did you check out Climate Progress and Real Climate? How heavily into sweetness and light are they?
And it ill-behoves someone who fills the comments here with snidey and snarky troll comments to talk about "undignified" and "bitter" comments "born of frustration"
Wake up, look in the mirror and go get a life.
Sorry to agree with ZedsDeadBed, but I think this name calling is pathetic. If you want to be taken seriously, please refer to people by their correct names and titles.
Oh come on, 'Chuckles' for Prince Charles? That's just playful. All together now, "I must get a life, before it's too late."
@Paul Boyce
'If you want to be taken seriously, please refer to people by their correct names and titles'
Purely a reflection of our deep respect and admiration for the people referred to;-).
And if you were really correctly called:
'His Royal Highness The Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of Bath, Member of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Australia, Companion of the Queen's Service Order, Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty'
it'd take a long time to get called in for dinner.
'Chuckles' is a lot quicker.
God how did Spitting Image ever get off the ground...
Maggie at the head of the Spitting Image Cabinet dinner table...
Waiter: "And the vegetables?"
Maggie: "They'll have the same as me"
Charlie has always been Chas/Chuck long before he had his CAGW moment. Goes with the anti-establishment territory.
If you want to see some real insulting posts go to this link posted by Spence in unthreaded.
Chuckles hardly lifts the needle compared to the insults posted there, Realclimate is not much better.
This is exactly how one should treat the lunatic fringe of any set of beliefs. Laugh at them.
They hate it, it drives them mad as Zed shows, a leftie has no sense of humor.
Maybe we could create a cartoon about little Zed?
Oh and Zed the views on here are no minority views they are mainstream, unlike your own.
I would agree with you about the fringe being 'bitter'. You would do well to think about that.
I love stories, me,
Can we hear the one about how Chuckles drove an Aston Martin to a venue where he told us little people to live greener lives, like him?
Or the one where Chuckles went on a skiing holiday by plane, but had a minion drive his car out there?
If Chuckles wants to be respected, perhaps he should not play the buffoon?
Blind respect for 'authority' has allowed some 'scientists' to get away with murder of the scientific method. Respect needs to be earned, Charles has done that
Latimer Alder, at 1:44 AM
Damm - hoisted by me own petard! ;-)
damn, Charles hasn't earned respect, OR, has earned his soubriquet "Chuckles"
I hope you have made your will. If you die intestate in Truro your estate could end up going to the Duke of Cornwall as 'Bona Vacantia'. A nice little earner, no wonder they call him Chuckles.
Three cheers for Josh and Fenbeagle. Ridicule is much the most effective weapon in the climate war, but I have to ask whether we have the right targets in our sights.
Jo Nova tells us that 'warmists' receive 3500 times the funding of 'deniers'.
While they are in receipt of such largesse they are going to be able laugh off a bit of 'flak', and haul up the drawbridge.
Surely we should be looking at the source of this 'cornucopia'.
At the Abbey we were able to witness a 'trustafarian' hippie, bareheaded and in a green frock telling the world at large which colour they should favour. It is only fortunate that her pathetic husband was persuaded not to wear a lounge suit.
In the supporting role was a flamenco dancer, whom some have described as a 'tribute to the late Bernard Mathews'.
While these two women, one the daughter of a wealthy wind-farmer and the other a director of a Spanish wind-turbine company have their spouses by the balls, we are truly stuffed.
Not only do Lefties not have a sense of humour, they cannot have a sense of humour, the basis of which is not taking yourself too seriously, acknowledging your own failings and often absurdity, and generally having a sense of self-awareness.
A Green/Leftie with a sense of humour is a contradiction in terms.
From the Times 27/4/2009. - 'Someone who knew them both at the time has been quoted as saying 'She belonged to a crowd we like to call the trustafarians - rich types who like to slum it a little'.
When you have £30 million in the bank and it was your ancestors who sold Buck House to the ancestors of those johnny-come-lately Windsors you can afford to flaunt your uber-Green credentials, but why should we have to pay for it through our electricity bills.
Greenest Government Ever' - in every possible sense !
I've been hearing about "Chuckles" and his big ears from Englishmen from at least since when he married Diana. What? Thirty years? Nothing new here.
Hopefully Prince Willie will prove somewhat less of an embarrassment to the Crown than his dad did.
Martin Brumby
Nice rant and well said. I guess you got worn out before getting to using ethanol to power cars and such and thus driving the cost of corn to ridiculous levels, not to mention the cost of fertilizers for all crops, which is driving the cost of food for those too poor to own a car in the first case to the point where they can't afford to buy food.. However, that will all become less of an issue as they all starve to death. Or perhaps they will riot.
Nice one, yet again, Josh!
You and fenbeagle are providing us with the laughter we need when contemplating yet another cAWG madness.
The latest was in the print edition of the Sunday Times - I hope someone can get this from behind the paywall, if it hasn't been mentioned elsewhere:
The National Grid paid some Scottish Windmill farmers about £ 600,000 - 00 for a few days, for not running their windmills because the grid couldn't cope with that much electricity!
Another jaw-hits-floor moment ...
The genius zebede does not *know* that RK Pachauri's own closest associates and colleages at his home perch TERI, accorded the man his moniker 'Patchy', a name enthusiastically waved in our faces by such celestial bodies at the Guardian and Nature.
Such excitement.
Viv Evans. Fenbeagle gives the individual breakdowns on the JD blog.
Though not one of those listed on this occasion,we learn from the Daily Mail on 29/3/2010 'How SamCam's super rich father is coining £3.5 million from the taxpayer - to fund wind turbines'.
'Dave' is the person at the very top of this pyramid of hypocrisy, ably assisted by Mr Clegg husband of Spanish wind-turbine company director Miriam Gonzalez Durantes (Don't call her Mrs Clegg).
No wonder the miserable 'scientists' at UEA are happy to carry on receiving our money.
OK so you have alternatives - Edward Miliband, Caroline Lucas or possibly Chris Huhne.
It has to stop sometime !
Courtesy of Fenbeagle :-
Whitelee £312654
Hadyard Hill £134, 095
Black Law £132,263
Farr 2 £132,012
Farr 1 £131,472
Millenium £32,534
Total £875,030
John Constable told the Sunday Times - 'Hasty attempts to meet targets for renewable energy mean that some Scottish wind-farms are now in the extraordinary position of not only printing money when they generate, but printing it even faster when they throw the energy away'.
The average turbine is estimated to generate power worth £150,000 a year, but is awarded incentives in the form of subsidies, worth £250,000 a year.
(Daily Telegraph)
On the subject of humour, suggest you all read the latest editorial in the Non Scientist as it wrestles with the disappearing climate refugees but cannot bring itslef to admit that there are none.
Excellent! I suspect that if these kits were on sale - Josh would take in a small fortune.
ZED how can it be wrong to call Charles chuckles when you call yourself zeds dead bed. that brings a chuckle.
Sorry to be off topic but I thought that some of you might be interested in this:
There is a video claiming to debunk the Climategate scandal and the subsequent comments. A guy calling himself Holmes is giving quite a good account of himself in the sceptic corner. I should add that I am a big fan of the Pharyngula blog but do disagree with them on the man made global warming issue.
Had a look at the site.
It's about the most hysterical warmist swearblog I've seen..........sample:-
Totally devoid of any rational discussion in other words.
You're trolling - aren't you?
Phial of black oil in special Grim Reaper Urn.
CO2 soda syphon cartridge, with luminous poison warning crossbones.
Trick thermometer ( rises incrementally with time).
Loaded random number generator.
Heads I win tails you lose doubters questionaire.
Hockey sticks and everlasting supply of balls.
Extinction list generic and specific name generator.
Premium edition offers pre-peer reviewed bonus credits with respected journal paper- comes with ready-made predetermined conclusions , infill your chosen research, publication pre-approved.
Exceeds all the most stringest current EU and UN measurement and accuracy standards.
Stonyground, that is pretty amazing, isn't it. I participated @ Pharyngula three and a half years ago in the Stan Palmer thread. I think the ignorant over there have actually toned down their abuse from that time.
But wow, the ignorance is even denser. Back then there were more than just two lonely skeptical voices. As Holms and Punksta are learning, just as did Stan Palmer and every other skeptic who's ever tried to converse there, there is invincible ignorance at that site with respect to climate.
Pharos, many thanks, lovely ideas. Another cartoon that will have a second edition very soon.
"May contain nuts."--Paul Thursten
What do you mean, "may?"
Pharyngula is to science what USSR's Pravda was to democratic debate: a pretense actually very good at undermining it.
But, correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that the Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of Bath recommended Pharyngula as worthy.
Thanks to Latimer Alder for posting that full title. Was unaware that Monty Python did so much good work based on actual official silliness. Hip, hip for the good old garter, thistle and bath.
Where can I buy a box of tricks like that? All I want to know is! Including the activity of our sun what mixture and quantity of atmospheric gases would it take to warm the hard cold granite I'm standing on and throw the entire planet's atmosphere out of equilibrium?
What's that? a scientific consensus you say?
PZ Meyers is a biologist and his articles on biology are excellent. He is also very good when it comes to bashing his country's extreme right wing nutbars. I think that his blind spot on the climate issue is down to him expecting other scientists to behave with integrity. The thing about the climate issue is that most of us will live long enough to see the argument proven one way or the other. The missing fifty million refugees are, I think, the first tiny step in that process.
PZ is like the charming school bully, you'll only understand his true nature when you're in disagreement and dare say so
Surely one of Josh's very best - it made me laugh out loud!
More please.
Ok jorgekafkazar a correction. How about "May contain pine nuts". Bristlecones of course.
I wonder if it comes with its own wind turbine? Obviously, you can't use batteries as they contain toxic chemicals (an issue conveniently forgotten about by the watermelons when pushing "electric" cars and such.)
Is there a Climate 'Nature Tricks' Box set available yet?
See the content of Josh's box here:
For my money, it's the best cartoon he's done to date.
I should have put a copywright symbol against the name "Zebedee" when I coined it last year for our dear Truro troll.
I'd be be worth a fortune by now with all the use it is long as the Magic Roundabout people didn't notice!!
Rgds from Dublin