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Why am I the only one that have any interest in this: "CO2 is all ...
Much of the complete bollocks that Phil Clarke has posted twice is just a rehash of ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
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Entries from August 1, 2007 - August 31, 2007


The hole in the ozone science

Remember the dear old Montreal Protocol which outlawed CFCs and was going to save us all from a hole in the ozone layer (it's painful apparently)?

According to Reuters, the hole is still growing despite falling levels of CFCs in the atmosphere, and its appearance this year was earlier than usual, suggesting that its growth is likely to continue this year.

Which sort of leaves one wondering if we haven't been had. Can I have my old fridge back?


Back in the saddle

Phew! That took rather longer than originally expected. I'm finally back in the saddle, and bear the scars of a rather traumatic house move and a complete absence from the blogosphere for three weeks. I spent the first ten days like a lost sheep, wandering around aimlessly, unable to understand how any question, even the most simple, could be answered without a 2Mb broadband connection and the assistance of Mr Google.

It's nice to be back. Lots of reading to catch up on though. Posting will resume in due course.

Thanks for your patience. 



F*%&^$g B!@@&y Tiscali have cut off my broadband a week before I move house! I'll be offline for a week. Thanks guys.


Welcome, readers from

To everyone who is visiting from the forums at, welcome. Please feel free to take a look around. There's a link to the category archives on the right hand side so you can get to all the climate related posts.

If I had to pick a few highlights for you, I'd suggest you try these. They are all written for non-technical readers. As financial readers, you might want to ask yourself whether you'd trust a business with the standards of openness adopted by climate scientists.

What's wrong with the IPCC - a guide for the layman

It's all in the adjustments 

Climate science is not sound science 

The hitchhikers guide to the IPCC 

How to create global warming 


Cambridge University Press buckles

This is a story which needs to be aired widely.

Cambridge University Press has buckled in the face of a libel suit from Khalid bin Mafouz, a Saudi financier who has been linked to terrorist financing. These terrorist links were the subject of a new CUP book entitled Alms for Jihad: Charity and Terrorism in the Islamic World. Unable to defend themselves because of the reversed burden of proof in the UK courts, CUP have now agreed to issue an apology and pulp all unsold copies of the book. Essentially the UK's libel laws are complicit in silencing freedom of speech worldwide.

More here



Rejoice! Global warming over!

It was the 85th coldest July since records began! (Out of 349)

The BBC forgot to tell us though. (In fact, just a week ago they were telling us that temperatures are above average)

Should we panic that we're on the threshold of a new ice age yet? 


I notice that the BBC article claims that the poor weather is due in part to La Niña. Compare to this article: No La Niña this summer, NOAA says.




Do as I say, not what I do?

Sunny Hundal is off to a protest called the Camp for Climate Action. This year the focus is on the aviation industry and the camp is going to be at Heathrow where they will fight to achieve their aim of 90% cuts in CO2 emissions.

I reproduce one of Sunny's earlier posts without comment:

Hello! As you may imagine, I’m writing this from sunny Los Angeles. I love this place - the people are really friendly, the weather is great and the side-streets are immaculately manicured.

Not that I want to add to your already growing sense of envy, but my preliminary holiday plans are as follows. I’m off to Mexico for a few days just before Christmas. Then the whole extended family gets together for food and presents on Christmas day. Then just before new years eve I’m planning to head down to San Diego for the big beach parties there with a few friends and family. In the new year I’m planning to drive up with a few people to San Fransisco and then over to Yosemite park, and then to a skiing resort nearby. Oh yeah, it’s gonna be crazy. I’m itching to write something about American politics but I think I’ll give it a rest. What are your holiday plans?

 None this year actually, Sunny.


The warming of the past

I picked this up via a weather forum. A commenter called Duncan MacAlister noticed that a graph of Atlantic Sea Ice extent had changed. He was comparing the graph according to to The Cryosphere Today's website with the same page on the Wayback Machine.

The two graphs were posted by a later commenter, and I've ripped them and reposted here:


So somewhere between the end of last year and now, something like a million square miles of sea ice have suddenly disappeared.

Global warming is pervasive stuff. It can even heat up the past. 


Environmentalists damaging environment yet again

This is turning into a bit of a recurring theme isn't it? The lastest example of our green friends ability to trash the environment is a U-turn on the advice issued to local councils on collecting domestic rubbish. Having previously suggested alternate weekly collections of waste, WRAP is now telling them to collect food waste every week. So instead of having one visit per week, we are now going to have one and a half. That's a 50% increase in related emissions.

Source here