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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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The hitchhikers guide to the IPCC

The IPCC has finally released the reviewers comments on its recent 4th Assessment Report. If you want to study them they are available in hard copy only at the Littauer Library of Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. You may think that this means that if you are a hard up climatology student from, say, India, you are completely stuffed. But no, the IPCC have thought of everything. The staff at Harvard will arrange to copy up to 100 pages for you at a cost of $34 plus $0.40 per page. If you can afford to employ a researcher they are happy for someone to come in to see which pages might be of interest. Otherwise you will have to make do with 100 pages at maybe the Indians are stuffed after all.

Does this situation remind you of something? 


But Mr. Dent, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months.

Oh, yes, soon as I heard of this plan, I went straight around to see them yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to call much attention to them, had you? Such as maybe telling someone about them?

PROSSER looks more uncomfortable.

Well, the plans were on display –

On display? I had to go down to the cellar to find them!

That’s the display department.

With a flashlight.

Well, the lights had probably gone.

So had the stairs.

Er – well – you did find them, didn’t you?

Oh, yes. Yes, I did. The plans were on display, in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet, stuck in a disused lavatory, with a sign on the door reading “Beware of the Leopard.”

It is not known if the Littauer Library has stairs, or whether the Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives are, in fact, located in a disused public convenience.

(Source here. Hitchhikers Guide reference shamelessly ripped from the comments). 


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Reader Comments (2)

It reminds me of small, spoiled children who expect instant gratification.

All the comments and replies are free, online and have been for quite some time. Archive of comments and reviewer responses WG1

Oct 7, 2009 at 6:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterJay Alt

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