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Entries in Yeo (17)


Yeo investigated for perjury

The Times is reporting (£) that Tim Yeo is being investigated for perjury, after his libel case against the Sunday Times was thrown out last week.

Good week at the office Tim?



Yeoful fail

Tim Yeo's libel action against the Sunday Times has failed. You will recall that this was over the newspaper's sting operation, in which Yeo was caught on camera offering to be a paid advocate for what he thought were a group of green lobbyists.

According to Guido the Sunday Times has said that Yeo's evidence was dismissed by the judge as:

“implausible”, “unreliable”, “not honest”,”dishonest”, “untruthful”, “untrue” and “unworthy of belief”.

Oh dear. :-)


Yeo sueshi

The BBC is reporting that Tim Yeo is going to sue the Sunday Times over its 2013 allegation that he was influence peddling for green companies.

I can't see this ending well.




Celebrating bad science

When the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee considered the Fifth Assessment Report a few months ago I was surprised when chairman Tim Yeo asked witnesses about the Hockey Stick. Although central to the Third Assessment and still relevant to the Fourth, I was of the view that its importance had now waned as all but the activist parts of the climatological community seem to have quietly accepted its methodological...ahem...peculiarities.

Like so many of his colleagues, Brian Hoskins seemed unable to say clearly that the Hockey Stick was wrong but, with a wonderful sirhumphreyish circumlocution, allowed the committee to understand that this was in fact the case:

Click to read more ...


Yeover and out

Guido is reporting that Tim Yeo has been deselected.

The South Suffolk Conservative Association have voted not to re-adopt Tim Yeo MP as their candidate for the next General Election.  Selection for the South Suffolk constituency will be opened in due course.

My guess is that Cameron will elevate him to the House of Lords.


Yeo's constituency party want him out

The bigwigs in Westminster may think that Tim Yeo is the bees knees but his constituency party can't wait to see the back of him. Today two leading lights in the Sudbury constituency have written to express their frustration with the way Yeo is clinging onto power.

Article here and opinion piece by one of those involved here.


Top Tories trumpet top trougher

Michael Gove and George Osborne have put their considerable political weight behind Tim Yeo's campaign against his deselection as the Tory parliamentary candidate for South Suffolk.

In his letter Mr Osborne described Mr Yeo, who has been the MP for South Suffolk since 1983. as a “politician of principle”, who has “a deep understanding of the countryside and farming”.

That could be seen as sticking two fingers up at the electorate. However, I'm not sure if Gove's support isn't just slightly lukewarm:

Tim is a highly respected and immensely experienced member of parliament. In the time that I have known him his work, firstly as a member of the shadow cabinet and latterly as the chair of two select committees, has been extremely valuable.


Yeo fights on

The news on Twitter is that Tim Yeo has sounded out support in his constituency and is confident enough to put the question of his standing for the party at the next election to a ballot.


Out of tune & out of time - Josh 249


Ed Davey's performance yesterday at the Energy and Climate Change Committee, posted here, was a mix of horror and farce. DECC seem to live in a make believe world where increases in costs cost less and policies which increase carbon emissions will somehow magically decrease them, one day, somehow, somewhere.

What a pantomime. 

Cartoons by Josh


Another snuffle in the trough?

Tim Yeo seems to have wangled himself one last desperate chance to prolong his political career - having been thrown out by the leadership of his constituency association he has thrown himself upon the tender mercies of the members instead. It seems that there will be a vote on Yeo's future.


Tim Yeo, à la carte - Josh 248


Yeo, as happy as a Pig in - Josh 245


Tim Yeo à la carte - Josh 225

Front page in The Sunday Times today and, of course, much reported here, here, here, here and here on BishopHill.

Cartoons by Josh

Click image for larger version


Down on the farm with Yo 'n Dave - Josh 181

Apologies for another Tim Yeo cartoon but he is a bit of a news item at the moment.

Cartoons by Josh


Get on board for a Green Future - Josh 180

Click image for a larger version

Cartoons by Josh