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Nazi salutes rally took place Saturday 20 Nov. Trump disavows alt-Right group 22 Nov.
Hamilton cast addresses Pense 19 Nov. Trump tweets about Hamilton rudeness 19 Nov.

Nov 23, 2016 at 1:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterACK

ACK 11:52 AM

c'mon ... own up... exactly when did you stop beating your wife?

1) I have scoped that one out and the usual suspects were at play - CNN must have issued nappies. Other languages are a mixed bag.

2) BBC doing copy 'n paste? - and repeating stuff - really? They'll be re-broadcasting RT segments next.

3) That is always the case - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this case though imho BBC3 at 1am would've been the appropriate platform. As to Trump reacting - neither you nor I are in a position to say if he actually did or when.... - such is the quantity of bilge being pumped (or not) at the moment.

The viewing figures for TV and readership of newspapers as I understand it are falling. This should be a matter of some concern to everybody - the reason for that drop in engagement via the traditional media are abundantly clear - the audiences has lost what vestigial trust they had ....

fwiw - I am apprehensive about where DT is headed - but I cannot abide the present antics of the "progressive" media. There are undoubtedly areas where DT should be challenged - at the moment the deliberate scaremongering is irresponsible and those viewing / reading numbers will drop further - and that cracks the door open to bad sh1t - no mistake.

Nov 23, 2016 at 1:04 PM | Registered Commentertomo

More on smearing Trump associates as Far-Right and trying to get them banned from speaking
- So Milo was supposed to give a talk to his school in Kednt ..but that got banned.
Now Breitbart reports Numerous Kent-based academics and educators, including a list of those from a number of prominent universities, have endorsed an open letter condemning Breitbart Senior Editor MILO.
\\The letter wrongly and hysterically claims the Breitbart editor is “hardline misogynist, white supremacist, and xenophobic”, while also mislabelling him as a one of the “spokesmen” for the alt-right.//

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:59 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

So the condemnation should have been on the original BBC Nazi article, a couple hours after publication
yet it still contains no such update

I posted at Nov 22, 2016 at 10:27 PM
\\Donald Trump: 'I Disavow' Alt-Right Groups
Breitbart News‎ - 11 hours ago//
So DT condemned it before 11:30am yesterday

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:23 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

golfCharlie. Trump's industrial-strength hair products (AKA cat litter) are fully biodegradable.

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterACK

Golf C; Belgians winning.....It appears you are not a motorsport fan? A certain Mr Ickx won a number of F1 races and lots of sports car races. especially Le Mans.
Then there was Eddie Merckx who dominated cycling many years ago.
That said, I confess that I would not recognise their anthem even though I must have heard it quite a few times!
Thinking about it, the French, Italian and Gerrman are probably the only European anthems that I could identify.

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:12 PM | Registered Commentermikeh

"Personally I try to be empathetic and try to understand what people mean, rather than jump to negative conclusions, name-calling and rude dismissal".
So why do you make such an obvious exception in my case? No don't bother, I don't really give a toss.

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterACK

The BBC should start concentrating on things it understands, like whether Trump's hair care products are more biodegradable than those used by BBC presenters.

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:07 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

(Times page 59) Warwick uni Catapult Group are developing a battery system
Simon Edmunds of national Catapult said "by 2030 car battery packs COULD be efficient enough to power the home overnight"
#1 yeh but there could be a lot of COULDs eg we could have fusion-power by then
#2 Most electricity use is NOT in the home.

oh then there is a fantasy bit
"when the owner is at work the battery power COULD be downloaded into the rail network ..while the car is in the carpark"
Duh !
#1 Hows this power magically got into the car battery ? you just told us the battery has been powering the home overnight
#2 OK lets assume that overnight excess grid electricity has been fed into the battery
overnight. A carpark of a 1,000 cars isn't going to power many trains for long. And then at 6pm you want power in that car to drive home.
...Green people don't commute they live next to their job...

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:05 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Personally I try to be empathetic and try to understand what people mean, rather than jump to negative conclusions, name-calling and rude dismissal.
(I'm trying to see the light, not just looking for the dark)

Nov 23, 2016 at 12:03 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

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