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Entries by Bishop Hill (6700)


Climate change and FoI

Steve McIntyre, the Canadian freelance researcher who has done so much to uncover dodgy scientific practice in the world of paleoclimate, has had some joy on one of his freedom of information requests.

He had been trying to get hold of some data used by Ben Santer, a fairly notorious global warming promoter, and had been rebuffed in no uncertain terms. The data related to a study Santer had published which claimed to have rebutted findings made by a sceptical scientist called David Douglass.

Now, it seems, Santer has backed down and the data has been made available.

Commenters at Climate Audit have noted the interesting timing of the release. With Obama newly installed in the White House and trumpeting his attachment to Freedom of Information, it may well have been impossible to refuse McIntyre's requests without looking very silly.

Obama is a true believer in impending global warming disaster. But if he keeps his attachment to Freedom of Information, he could well end up putting an end to the whole rotten thesis.


Wheels fall off bandwagon

There's a very important article up at Watts up with that?

Global warming uberhyper James Hansen has had the ground taken from under his feet. The NASA man's former supervisor, John S. Theon, has announced that Hansen's fearmongering claims were scientifically unsupportable, and that contrary to his accusations there was no muzzling of Hansen by NASA.

Theon goes on to state that climate models are 'useless' and says that he's a sceptic and has added his name to the list of those opposing the global warming hype.

Read the whole thing.


Who made Jack uncomfortable?

Jack Straw is "not comfortable" with parts of the Coroners and Justice bill (the one with the Orwellian data sharing clause that you are all writing to your MPs about).

But if Straw, the minister responsible for the bill, is not comfortable with these bits of it, who put them in there in the first place? Is he actually responsible for the department and its bill or not?

"Not me mate, I only run the place".


Ethicists criticise BBC

TonyN's sterling work on the BBC's egregious splicing of President Obama's inauguration speech continues to attract a great deal of attention, with the interest now crossing the Atlantic to large-readership sites like Junk Science. As well as attention from political bloggers and science bloggers, the furore has now attracted the attention of journalism writers.

One example is the Stinky Journalism site, which has been following the story up on a couple of fronts. Firstly they've gone direct to the BBC, asking if there was an intention to issue a correction.

Don't be silly boys, this is the BBC we're talking about.

They've also sent the evidence ("fauxdio" evidence as they amusingly put it) off to a number of specialists in journalistic ethics in the USA.

Suffice it to say they were not generally impressed. As one of them put it

By altering the context, the meaning itself was altered. A coherent claim about the environment cobbling together statements that were not designed to be approached in this way. Arguably, if Obama had wanted to highlight the environment he would have done so. He didn't. Both of your ethical objections are correct

The story now appears to be developing legs on the other side of the Atlantic, for example here, and as it spreads the BBC's credibility as a news-gathering organisation sinks lower and lower.


Another MSM outlet looks at Balen

Keith Dovkants at This is London also picks up on the Balen Report angle to the BBC's decision on the Gaza appeal.

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the BBC is a top secret document that could explain a great deal about the corporation's decision to boycott the aid appeal for Gaza. It is called the Balen Report and has been seen only by a small number of individuals at the very top of the BBC. They commissioned Malcolm Balen, a senior editorial adviser, to investigate allegations that the BBC's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was biased.


The Gore effect

Al Gore is due to give evidence to the US Senate about climate change tomorrow. Apparently they are thinking of postponing it because there is snow and ice forecast.

Too funny.


Insurance and global warming

There's a fascinating new article over at Climate Resistance, where the myriad of links between the insurance industry and climate activism are put under a forensic microscope.

Likewise, we would be less interested in such dodgy dealings if it weren’t for the mainstream media’s tendency to decry Exxon funding as corrupting of the scientific method while deeming Munich Re’s pronouncements - let alone the pronouncements of those they sponsor - as above scrutiny. It’s also worth re-stating at this point that fear is to the insurance industry what oil is to Exxon.



Something's got to give

Instapundit has been reporting regularly on the problems caused by over-generous state pension schemes. With the stock market tanking, these are now showing terrifying deficits, all of which are going to have to be filled by taxing workers in the private sector. The problem is that with no sign of improvement in anybody's economic fortunes anywhere on the horizon, there isn't going to be much that they can actually tax for years to come.

What is worse, this is all happening just as the baby boomers start retiring.

The situation is going to be the same here, and resolving it is going to be messy, if not bloody.


Tories vote for managerialism

The Conservatives have come up with their latest bright idea - a new, disciplined approach to public spending is revealed today,  with rapid response teams being planned, in order to put a stop to inappropriate spending and waste. In other words it is a managerialist's wet dream and is the kind of thing you would expect to be dreamt up by a wet-behind-the-ears Tory boy with no experience of the real world beyond his gilded cage. Since the author of the ideas is George Osborn and this is precisely what he is, I suppose we shouldn't be surprised.

Thatcherism worked because it bypassed the civil service entirely by simply closing things down or selling them off. Osborn appears to be betting that he can avoid these kinds of unpleasantries but can still get the civil service to behave like rational people rather than like bureaucrats.

The odds that he can actually acheive that in practice must be very, very long.


Annual changing of the MCB mind

Every year it seems the Moslem Council of Britain changes its collective mind on whether to attend  Holocaust Memorial Day. This year they are not going to attend.

Cue rumpus.

This will just make them look like extremists again.


Brain training doesn't work

Nintendo's brain training games aren't as good as the advertising puff and the hype would have you think.  Our kids' school recommended them to us, just a few weeks ago. I'm glad we didn't take them up on it.


Guardian makes connection from Balen to DEC

The Guardian has picked up on the connection I made to between the Balen report and the BBC's actions over the DEC Gaza appeal.

Sources within the BBC have questioned whether its internal Balen report into its Middle East coverage, which the corporation has refused to publish, has influenced its decision on the DEC appeal. An appeal to the House of Lords to force the BBC to publish the report is currently ongoing.



Still time to write to your MP about information sharing

Spy Blog points out that there is still time to write to your MP about the creepy authoritarian ideas in the Coroners & Justice Bill.

My toady MP, Gordon Banks, hasn't bothered replying to my email (nor indeed to the earlier one about MPs' expenses). It doesn't matter though. He probably knows he's toast at the next election. The point still needs to be got across.



Fake charities on The Today Programme

Daniel Hannan was on the Today Programme just now discussing EU funding of charities. He didn't mention by name, but I think it's fair to say that our efforts may have had an effect on the news agenda.

I'll try to post a link to some audio later on.


A double whammy for the private sector

Private sector workers are being decimated by layoffs. It's a bloodbath out there and there's no sign of a letting-up in the pace of the slaughter.

Even the lucky ones who survive the cuts are not going to be allowed to escape scott-free though. All those layoffs mean less tax money for the government and Alastair Darling is going to have to fill the gap somehow - there is a public sector machine that needs feeding.

The answer is, inevitably, more taxes. Not satisfied with decimating private sector workers the parasites in the public sector are going to rape the corpses as well.