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The story behind the BBC's 28gate scandal
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Ethicists criticise BBC

TonyN's sterling work on the BBC's egregious splicing of President Obama's inauguration speech continues to attract a great deal of attention, with the interest now crossing the Atlantic to large-readership sites like Junk Science. As well as attention from political bloggers and science bloggers, the furore has now attracted the attention of journalism writers.

One example is the Stinky Journalism site, which has been following the story up on a couple of fronts. Firstly they've gone direct to the BBC, asking if there was an intention to issue a correction.

Don't be silly boys, this is the BBC we're talking about.

They've also sent the evidence ("fauxdio" evidence as they amusingly put it) off to a number of specialists in journalistic ethics in the USA.

Suffice it to say they were not generally impressed. As one of them put it

By altering the context, the meaning itself was altered. A coherent claim about the environment cobbling together statements that were not designed to be approached in this way. Arguably, if Obama had wanted to highlight the environment he would have done so. He didn't. Both of your ethical objections are correct

The story now appears to be developing legs on the other side of the Atlantic, for example here, and as it spreads the BBC's credibility as a news-gathering organisation sinks lower and lower.

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Reader Comments (3)

Thanks for your post that mentions

Just to let you know we credited "The Pool Bar" for coming up with the clever term, "Fauxdio." Go to :
Jan 27, 2009 at 10:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterRhonda Roland Shearer
Hi Bish,

Good post.

If I were the Guardian I would be worried about the intelligence of my readers. The comments thread is just grunts and hand waving - no effort to discuss the issues raised.
Jan 28, 2009 at 4:56 AM | Unregistered CommenterJack Hughes
More auguries of the death of mainstream media. Time and time again stories like this circle the world a couple of times, via the Internet, before these eagle-eyed and panther-quick journalists stir their sorry arses.
Jan 28, 2009 at 11:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterToad Stomper

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