Climate change and FoI

Steve McIntyre, the Canadian freelance researcher who has done so much to uncover dodgy scientific practice in the world of paleoclimate, has had some joy on one of his freedom of information requests.
He had been trying to get hold of some data used by Ben Santer, a fairly notorious global warming promoter, and had been rebuffed in no uncertain terms. The data related to a study Santer had published which claimed to have rebutted findings made by a sceptical scientist called David Douglass.
Now, it seems, Santer has backed down and the data has been made available.
Commenters at Climate Audit have noted the interesting timing of the release. With Obama newly installed in the White House and trumpeting his attachment to Freedom of Information, it may well have been impossible to refuse McIntyre's requests without looking very silly.
Obama is a true believer in impending global warming disaster. But if he keeps his attachment to Freedom of Information, he could well end up putting an end to the whole rotten thesis.
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