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The story behind the BBC's 28gate scandal
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Entries in Guardian (5)


Rusbridger descending - Josh 328

Today is Alan Rusbridger's last day as Editor of the Guardian and I am sure we all wish him well whatever he decides to do next.

The cartoon 'celebrates' his championing of divestment from fossil fuels, which we know is a bit of a dark development with 'abhorrent' consequences - so I think we can coin a new term "Divestocide".

Cartoons by Josh


Turning our backs on the poor - Josh 325

It is extraordinary to think that Bjorn Lomborg first published The Sceptical Environmentalist in 1998 - that's as long as The Pause!

However there has been no pause in some people ignoring his message as we have, rather depressingly, read on this very blog over the weekend.

It is really simple: the money we spend on Climate Change mitigation can be better spent on health, education and cheap energy. Why is this hard to understand? Do they think climate science is done in a moral vacuum? Can they not see that divesting from fossil fuels hurts the poor the most?


Cartoons by Josh

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The Left does abhorrence - Josh 321

Divesting from Fossil fuels seems to be flavour of the week, see here, here and here, but leaves a bitter taste. Our House troll makes an appearance.

Cartoons by Josh


Graunocrisy -Josh 319

Well £600 million is a lot of money, you have to act responsible and stuff.

Cartoons by Josh


Green-not-so-peaceful - Josh 310