IPCC runners and riders

With the election of a new chairman of the IPCC to take place shortly, I was interested to be reminded of this article at American Thinker about one of the candidates for the role, Jan-Pascal van Ypersele.
Back in 2011, it seems that Dr van Ypersele was being commissioned to write papers by Greenpeace. Not to mention trying to blacklist dissenting scientists. I imagine from an environmental activist point of view he's the ideal candidate.
That said, the competition to be the green's guy at the helm of the IPCC is very hot. Chris "The world is staring down the barrel of climate change" Field and Thomas "the international community has to act now" Stocker are among the leading candidates and Ottmar "climate policy is about distribution of the world’s resources" Edenhofer waiting in the wings.
Oh yes, you see, the IPCC is about scientific advice, not policy prescriptions.
Reader Comments (11)
There are two IPCCs, neither of which is fit-for-purpose, and both of which should be disbanded.
I'm trying to remember what is it you expect see hanging around at a trough?
I think any of these candidates is more than qualified to lead the IPCC on its route to self implosion.
I just wish they could do it without inlicting so much pain and grief, on the rest of the planets inhabitants.
Can the United Nations, find itself guilty of crimes against humanity?
Interesting to see whether the new guy will be as connected to the oil industry as Rajendra Pachauri who preposterously was simultaneously a director of the Indian Oil Corp and chairman of the IPCC.
I'm hoping for someone completely dotty like the Thatcher (Burmah Oil) recommended, Sir John Houghton.
From an interview Sir John gave to The Sunday Telegraph in its "Me and My God" slot on September 10, 1995.
As a fervent evangelical Christian, Sir John claimed that global warming might well be one of those disasters sent by God to warn man to mend his ways ("God tries to coax and woo but he also uses disasters"). He went on: "If we are to have a good environmental policy in the future, we will have to have a disaster".
Frankly the madder the better , so an extreme green would not be a bad candidate , if you want to kill the IPCC off.
Has any of them written a fifty-shades-of-green bodice-ripper yet? Pachauri has set them a pretty low bar to get under.
michael hart, I was hoping for an IPCC leader, hoping to emulate kamikaze, rather than kama sutra.
Still hoping for Lewandowski.......
What not one of the sensible ones like Richard Tol?
Greenpeace International Panel on Climate Change, is what Greenpeace models have been predicting.
I wonder who Pachauri will accuse of planting evidence next?
I'm already beginning to miss Pachauri.