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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Double-entry bookkeeping?

The big story of this morning is going to be Anthony Watts' discovery that the National Climatic Data Center over there is keeping two sets of books for US temperature data:

The question for now is: why do we appear to have two different sets of data for the past two years between the official database and the SOTC reports and why have they let this claim they made stand if the data does not support it?

It's actually worse than that. They seem actually to have no idea what the temperatures of the past were.

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Reader Comments (7)

Nay, Bish.
You can see for yourself that it's good to one hundredth of a degree....

Jan 7, 2013 at 8:23 AM | Unregistered Commentermartin brumby

Worth re-posting this comment from Anthony's, which graphically shows how unremarkable the summer 2012 heatwave was in the USA despite all the "record breaking" hype from the alarmists:

Michael D Smith says:
January 6, 2013 at 6:57 pm

I still think this one is amazing… Look at all the 2012 records compared to 1934!!!

LINK: - (Steve Goddard's graph of the number of readings over 40C from GHCN HCN stations continuously active since 1900).

Jan 7, 2013 at 9:01 AM | Registered Commenterlapogus

It’s worth trying to get this story on to comments pages in the mainstream media wherever possible.
As I’ve just pointed out to Alice Bell at New Left Project, you don’t need to be a climate scientist to understand it. You just need to be a climate scientist to think it doesn’t matter.

Jan 7, 2013 at 9:05 AM | Registered Commentergeoffchambers

So, quite a number of temperatures are reported at first as 0.6 - 0.8 degrees warmer than they end up as in the permanent record. Some end up the same. It seems none start off lower.

By the time the "hottest July ever" in 2012 is compared to the next July 2013, the 2012 number is 0.6 - 0.8 degrees cooler, so of course July 2013 can also easily be the "hottest ever, if it is reported with a similar error.

Jan 7, 2013 at 9:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterBruce Hoult

To me, the biggest surprise is that some readings are still reported from the contiguous US via snail mail.

Jan 7, 2013 at 11:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterJoe Public

Just like bank errors- the vast majority of these "discrepancies" are in one direction.
In this case in favour of the "alarmist" position.

Jan 7, 2013 at 1:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterDon Keiller

Looks like Anthony has them back on their heels.... again.

Jan 7, 2013 at 7:57 PM | Unregistered Commentertroe

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