Bishop Hill


I'm off on my travels this morning, so the level of posting depends on whether I can get an internet connection.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
I'm off on my travels this morning, so the level of posting depends on whether I can get an internet connection.
Reader Comments (14)
That just means you have a 'green' / renewable / sustainable connection, Bish!
Ten to one you get stuck due the wrong type of global warming on the line.
Safe journey Bish
this is not acceptable
you have chosen an excellent time to see our beautiful country under a blanket of snow. As I sit here watching the snowflakes swirling gently to the ground I think to myself 'Children just aren't going to know what real science is.'
Go safe
Dr Viner's rash and stupid comment was ridiculous. That it went unchallenged for so long by the climate establishment shows just how invested they all are with alarmism and doomsday scare-mongering..
My little dog, who is only 6 yo, already knows very well what snow is.
He remembers it from last year and the year before. And because he is only a miniature dachshund he knows he doesn't like it... it is very cold and overwhelms his little legs.
But the good news is that here, only a few miles from Heathrow, I can still hear planes on the flight path and trains on the railway. Out transport system has yet to grind to a complete halt with the 1/4 inch (generous estimate) we've had already.
Wahayy! I have been totally moderated off an “alarmist” site! – Greg Laden in Scienceblogs (I know, I know, probably a pretty tame site to you guys, but…). And that was when I responded to a question asked of me! Perhaps this should be a target we should all aim for – hit them with cold, dispassionate argument, avoid ad homs, etc, etc. and watch them run for cover.
Safe and productive travels, your Grace! I hope this means you are feeling better.... Must have been all that whiskeeeey.....
My 14 year old son today had to ensure some CAGW propaganda in his English class (Hungarian school).
So to honour this event, and in homage to Dr Viner, there was so much global warming in the garden today we decided that a Snowman were just so un-PC. So not liberal-left. Snow-women? Snow-person? Nah... we decided there was only one way to honour the CAGW god...
Homage to the CAGW religion
Might your grace's travels have to do with with this?
Very well done, Jiminy Cricket. He looks alive and cuddly.
@Jan 14, 2013 at 5:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterSkiphil
Quietly amusingggge
Thread elapsed so i can go O/T
Did Martin Durkin produce this hes not on the End Credits
Channel Four Equinox Documentary the one that started it all (for me anyway)
and is Hillary Lawson related to Nigel Lawson