Bishop Hill


I've (finally) set up a custom domain for this site - www.bishop-hill.net - which should become active over the next few hours. Update your bookmarks accordingly.
Click images for more details
A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
I've (finally) set up a custom domain for this site - www.bishop-hill.net - which should become active over the next few hours. Update your bookmarks accordingly.
Reader Comments (8)
Live already for me :o)
Went live on me in the middle of a post, but I figured it out. Nice you have yer own cathedral, 'tis.
Converted itself. Neatly done. Have they sorted our your email yet?
Well they still haven't said so, but the problem seems to have gone away. I'm using a different domain host to the one I use for my business though.
I am getting http://www.bishop-hill.net OK, but do you also need to map http://bishop-hill.net/ ?
I just get a squarespace admin page if I go there
Working on it.
Great News!
I regularly travel to China, and they block all of the blog host sites (blogspot, wordpress, squarespace, etc.). The only way I can read WUWT, BishopHill, CA and Lucia (along with other, non-climate interests) is by remote desktop into a company server in the US. Sloowwww,,,.
Is there a message there? Perhaps a move of your business ISP is due.
I have gone through quite a few over the years and found most of them to be incompetent. If you find on that works, stick with it. If it doesn't, move on. The issues you had this last weekend are inexcusable. They should have been resolved in an hour or two.
My Good Bishop: There still seems to be a problem with bishop-hill.net. When I go to bishop-hill.net I only get the page where you announce that it is up and running, ie: this page. When I click on main, it sends me to to the squarespace page. I thought that this new domain would carry the all the blog posts from now on. Any idea what's going on with this? Thank you.