Bishop Hill

A rebuttal

A blog called Scholars and Rogues has attempted to defend the authors of the Climategate emails. Mosher is on the case.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
A blog called Scholars and Rogues has attempted to defend the authors of the Climategate emails. Mosher is on the case.
Reader Comments (3)
S&R defends the indefensible, citing Green Gang business-as-usual vs. distractions by pesky critics such as McIntyre concerned with verifying conclusions (sic) on a basis of mere scientific fact. "Everybody does it" is a kindergartner's ploy; as well as being a non sequitur, "anything is possible" obscures the very essence of scientific enterprise.
We assume that S&R contributors know better, preferring self-defensive, sentimental posturing to any semblance of objective or even rational debate. "A travesty," as der grosse Herr Professor Trenberth is wont to say.
There is nothing in behavior that more clearly indicates we are in the presence of an hysterical cult than the determination of its leading advocates to defend all conduct and all publications no matter how obviously wrong.
For years, for instance, it was not permitted to tell the truth about Katyn or about the Soviet genoicide. And the typical reaction of one leading figure to Conquest's book has parallels in the AGW reactions. First, it was a dubious publication, based on almost no solid data, probably funded by right wing foundations. In fact, of course, it put together existing data and drew conclusions from it which were, with some margin of error, indisputable: there had been genoicide.
Then, after the opening of the Soviet archives, it was of no value since it was now possible to do the work and write real history.
But in any case, what was not on, was to come to terms with the enormity and reality of the genoicide, and what it meant.
We are seeing a similar process of thought. The Hockey stick is sound, it has been replicated, it is anyway of peripheral importance to the argument, its critics are fossil fuelled neo cons.
"Climate science" will have reached the status of science only when it is possible for it to admit the nature and causes and significance of its more egregious errors, and those include the attitudes and behaviors revealed in Climategate. Right now, it has all the internal markers of an hysterical cult.
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