Bishop Hill

Russell report imminent?

I hear on the grapevine that Sir Muir Russell's panel will be reporting "imminently". I imagine that means in the next few days. My guess would be that they will make the announcement on Friday so that they can run for cover straight afterwards.
Only a rumour, but I thought it was worth passing on.
Reader Comments (9)
OK, just for fun, here's my prediction:
(1) The basic conclusions that the climate is warming and that human activity (free enterprise, democracy, that sort of thing) is largely to blame remains solid.
(2) Scientists behaved badly, but who could blame them given the relentless assault on their fine work by politically motivated deniers
(3) Serious process changes at CRU are needed, these include a requirement to change passwords every 60 days, encrypt all emails and process (ie. reject) FOIAs more quickly. Automated FOIA rejection software is highly recommended so as not to burden the scientists with complying with the onerous laws.
(4) During this process, we spent a lot of time with Phil. We think he's a really nice guy and has very honest eyes.
(5) Oh ... and we really think Penn State is to blame if there is any blame to be had.
(6) Finally, since ritualistic sacrifices are required at times like these, we will be throwing David Palmer under the bus. Please join us at 3:00 PM on June 30th outside of the main building. Refreshments will be provided afterwards.
Mpaul - very good but I think you've been a little wordy and could have overestimated the length of the report.
Heigh-o, the derry-o:
Grass is green, and in between
Earth's climate's rather hairy-o.
So here's to Greenhouse CO2--
Drought and heat are really neat,
If somewhat overdue.
Altogether, sing out loud:
Late or soon, our Good Earth's doomed,
We may as well get plowed.
The report to be published may only be "preliminary conclusions", not the full report.
The FAQ on CCE review website is actually not too lear about that :
"The University of East Anglia has asked the Review team to submit its report in Spring 2010. [...] The Review hopes to have submit preliminary conclusions to UEA in Spring 2010."
Why the long delay in reporting, have they run out of whitewash and are waiting for new supplies?
June 22 (UK budget) might be a good day if there is bad news to bury ...
I think they may have to coordinate with the information office and various law enforcement agencies.
The Review states:
"This review is not a criminal investigation. However, Norfolk Constabulary are investigating criminal offences in relation to the hacking incident. The Information Commissioner is examining Freedom of Information and Data Protection issues. The Review has met Norfolk Constabulary and the Information Commissioner’s Office and will remain in touch on matters of mutual interest".
Confirmed Note of Actions from CRU Review Group Meeting, 10 and 11 May have just been published on the web site
This suggests that they have recently held another meeting i.e. possibly on 14 June.
From the email inquiry web site:
Publication date confirmed
The publication date for the Independent Climate Change E-mails Review report has been set for 7 July. Full details of publication arrangements will be given nearer the time.
[Thanks - I've posted it]