Bishop Hill

Hope you all had a nice Christmas

I hope everyone had a nice break - it snowed here so I got rather distracted from the blogging. Higher priorities like sledging and digging the car our took precedence. So my apologies for my failure to sign off at the end of term, and thanks for all the good wishes.
Reader Comments (12)
Ah, yer Grace... best wishes and all.... but no one has been able to explain to me why it's called "Boxing Day"... fighting over the presents or re-packaging them for return to the stores just doesn't ring true... even to crass, commercialized American ears. Any input?
Likewise...Merry Christmas...
By strange coincidence I asked the same question. My mother explained that it's to do with putting out a tip for the box men (i.e. the bin men).
Not quite- you are giving them a "Christmas box" - that is, some money as a thank you.
All the best from one of your lurkers Bish.
I wonder, how long will it be before we're calling the day after Christmas day, "compost day" ;¬)
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
Now, I'm quite surprised I have not seen this ubtil today. I've just posted it on the othe blogs.
Excellent Climategate documentary on Finnish TV
Must post!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Best wishes for a jolly good New Year!
Looks like fluffy global warming has it in for those of us on the Celtic Fringe - tomorrow we're going to get the next load, if we can believe the Met Office.
Ah well, my dog likes it ...
We had a cracker of a day here on Christmas Bish. 22 degrees and sunny. Almost made me believe in Global warming. Can understand why you could be sceptical while shovelling snow. Time now again to rally the ranks, grab our shovels and pitchforks and continue the assault on the Bastille.
Immense thanks for the exceptional work you continue to do in exposing fraud in all areas, particularly regarding the climate. With best wishes to you, your family and all your readers for 2010.
@Richard: WKPD says "At this point, the Bastille was nearly empty of prisoners, housing only seven inmates: four forgers, two "lunatics" and one "deviant" aristocrat.." - the Climate Hysterics have more forgers than four, and very possiibly more than two lunatics. As for deviants, I couldn't possibly comment.
As hard as it might be to believe, the Carbon Tax actually works. It does reduce global warming, and no place more spectacularly as in Ireland. The Irish government just imposed a 4 cent a liter carbon tax on petrol and diesel earlier this very month and look at the impact on the Irish climate! Why they have the coldest winter in living memory. And all within a month! Perhaps they should increase the tax to 8 cents per liter had thereby trigger a new ice age, helping to refreeze the northern waters and save the polar bears from drowning.
I certainly hope the pipes in my house in Co Kerry don't freeze while I am in California.
dearieme - the modern day Bastille houses more than four forgers and two lunatics. In fact the lunatics are so numerous they are, at the moment, in charge of the asylum. But sane people are fighting back, for example here:
"French Revolution! Carbon tax ruled unconstitutional just two days before taking effect"