Who is causing the climate change alarmism – where does the 150,000 climate change deaths a year ‘fact’ come from. Although the 10:10 campaign, has their founder – Franny Armstrong - saying 300,000 deaths a year, did they just double it to make the climate change message more urgent?

Chris Hulne - 19 years at the Guardian - I never knew!!
Chris was a financial and economic journalist for nineteen years at the Guardian, Independent and the Economist. He also founded one of the City’s largest teams of economists advising pension funds on overseas investments.

More good news? Some might think so ...
University of Virginia apparently lied to the AG by pretending that it no longer had access to documents requested of it.

I was really moved by CACC Phil's plight - the horror of getting a real job rather than smearing folks and blowing whistles whilst painted blue. I'm moved to send them a, er, donation. Do they have a freepost address?

The Campaign Against Climate Change are running out of money!!!
From the Guardian - Ahead of the Campaign Against Climate Change's march in the snow tomorrow.....
"Phil Thornill - Founder/National Co-ordinator.
And he's worried about his organisation, Campaign Against Climate Change, which is, he says frankly, "running out of money massively. I'm exhausted, we've been running on risible funds for years now, and to be honest I don't know what we're going to do."
Given CACC's position as one of the very first groups campaigning straightforwardly on climate change, it is indeed worrying that they, sitting in the middle of the campaign spectrum from conservative to radical, should be going bust."
Makes an interesting read.
the comments are amusing
they are behind Skeptic Alerts:

George Moonbiot's campaign Agaisnt Climate Change (Hon President)
Friday - 3rd December 2010
Climate Change sceptic blog alerts
Friday, 3 December, 2010 15:18From: "Campaign against Climate Change aggregator"
Add sender to Contacts
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Change sceptic blog alerts
•Bishop Hill: Graun on best green books
•Bishop Hill: The Orwellian solution
•Bishop Hill: Matt Ridley on weather and climate
•Climate Skeptic: A Really Bad Idea
•James Delingpole: Never mind the squeaky voice, Osborne: what have you got to say about THIS?
•James Delingpole: The Met Office: lousier than a dead octopus
•Bishop Hill: Steig in the dump
•Bishop Hill: THES on FOI in universities
5 - 2 win to Bishop Hill again.... vs James Delingpole.
A month ago, there had been no Bishop Hill Sceptic Alerts all year...

Just heard the idiot future King on the Beeb, opening a new exhibit in the Science Museum all about AGW.
He was wittering on about how the sceptics are "anti-science" - he clearly hasn't got a clue.

George Monbiot is getting kind of desperate in is blog: He airs suspicions that God is an AGW denier and sabotages climate talks, first Copenhagen, then Cancun, by bringing record cold weather.
According to the Bible, He does seem to object when people worship Mann-made idols ;)

Another pro-AGW article in today's Telegraph, with the vast majority of comments from the "realist" camp -

Neat comment on this new, stupid, but at least relatively harmless wwf product
WPPatriot said It is now my personal mission to make wwf-printing software. It will print everything twice, just to be sure