Funny how Norfolk keeps cropping up!
This maybe comming your way soon!
"Norfolk Island to trial world's first personal carbon trading scheme"
"Norfolk Island, a former British penal colony in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, is to become the first place in the world to trial a personal carbon trading program."
"During the trial, residents will use the card when they pay for petrol and power. Those who use fewer units by walking or cycling instead of driving or using less electricity at home will be able to exchange any remaining credit at the end of the year for cash."
"Over time the number of carbon units handed out on the cards will go down, forcing individuals to work harder to maintain a low-carbon lifestyle."
Ten months on from the failed Copenhagen climate summit, a binding global agreement on emissions cuts is still out of reach. Stephen Sackur speaks to Tony Juniper, the former head of the campaign group Friends of the Earth, who is now working with Prince Charles calling for a sustainable revolution. In this age of austerity, have environmental issues have slipped down the political agenda?
The French Academy of Science's report on climate change has been published.
The Nature blog has commented already.
Another conference for warmists on the theme of "Why won't they believe us?"
Perhaps I should have my coffee before typing!
Climate Fools day
and the link
Bishop, your name crops up for the Climate Folls day meeting at Westminster, are you attending?
[No - can't justify another trip to London right now]
Looks like Graham Stringer has a busy day Wednesday:
http://climatefoolsday.com/ Sceptics at Westminster.
Anyone going to the Select committee meeting in the morning might like to check this meeting out in the afternoon.
is anyone going to field this?....
"Storms of My Grandchildren"
Dr. James Hansen
Monday, 1 November 2010
The Jardine Penthouse, 48/F Jardine House, One Connaught Place
Complimentary Drinks Reception 6.30 pm; Lecture 7.30 pm
(This event is being co-hosted with The Civic Exchange)
I tried to recommend this comment as I thought it was pertinent, but nothing happened when I clicked the recommend button. Is the Telegraph at it too?
Comment by pdo710 at 1pm
"I accept that the revelations about the IPCC probably were timed to coincide with Copenhagen. But then so were all of those reports in the weeks making the opposite case including lurid headlines about rising sea levels, falling sea ice and so on. Why is it okay on one side and not the other? If you don't want criticism then be more careful about they way you put together reports and deal with facts and not conjecture."