[Scottish] Energy Minister Jim Mather has approved a wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills despite a lengthy opposition campaign.
A total of 48-turbines can now be built by North British Wind Power at Fallago Rig in the Scottish Borders.
Opponents have claimed the decision "rides roughshod" over the opinions and concerns of the community.
Mr Mather said construction would create hundreds of jobs and would represent a "significant boost" to the local economy.
"Once up and running the wind farm is expected achieve a carbon saving of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide each year," he said.
Report on the Today program this morning that the water melons are lobying government on the affects of household water usage on biodiversity in the UK.
WWF are stating that a 20% enforced drop in the amount of water that households and business use is essential in an attempt to lower the amount of water being taken from rivers and lakes and limit the effect that we have on biodiversity.
I will be attending the debate with Roger Pielke Jr and Benny Peiser in London on November 16th - I will write a report here afterwards.
Does anyone know a tracker of the Met office weather forecast? Living in East London, I look at http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/se/london_forecast_weather.html for weather. It seems to be wrong rain very frequently.
If there isn't an audit, is it possible to see the data from actual weather stations, so that the forecast can be compared to the recorded weather?
The BBC are once again discussing how bad their pension plan is. Could they possibly have made some unwise investments?
Changement Climatique has an interesting piece on declining fish stocks in the Bering Sea. Nature says it's due to exceptionally cold water in recent years. Science Daily says it's due to global warming.
On the other hand it might all just be a load of pollocks.
Another model goes wrong......
ScienceDaily (Nov. 5, 2010) — "Canadian and Dutch researchers have shown that current equations to predict methane production of cows are inaccurate. Sound mitigation options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of dairy farms require a significant improvement of current methane equations, according to a study of the Dutch-Canadian team in the journal Global Change Biology....The predictive power of methane equations will have to be markedly improved if such whole farm models are used for sound decisions by governments to reduce environmental impact of dairying."
On the other hand, why bother....
BBC misses chance for a climate change spin
This on the Beeb describes the discovery of a species of sawfly in Scotland which was previously only found in Latvia and Finland. And it doesn't mention climate change as a possible cause. Not once!
Though, thinking about it, maybe that's because Latvia and Finland are colder than Scotland.
If you want a good giggle, head over to WUWT for the Friday funny: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/11/05/friday-funny-congressional-frosh/#more-27489
LOVE the Mann lookalike on drums!
“Up to three-quarters of councils are planning to turn off street lamps or dim the lights in an attempt to save money and meet climate change targets, a poll has found."
Aarrhh, to see the divine beauty of the heavens at night again!