Scotland 'risking a blackout' in a bid to go green
By Nathalie Thomas, Chief business correspondent
"THE "lights could go out" over Scotland unless new power stations are built in the next two years to ward off a looming electricity crisis, the head of one of Scotland's most successful companies has warned Alex Salmond"
We don't want the Bishop to get cut off! when he explains why.
Just sent email to webmaster@bishop-hill.net with screen shot because the site isn't loading properly.
11/11/10, 1903 PST
And undoubtedly, Beaverbrook, the full statement will say that since it is such an urgent issue the Government will, with all due haste, appoint an independent committee to examine the urgent issue and urgently issue an urgent report sometime just after the next election (probably, at that stage, by candlelight).
Hansard 11 Nov 2010 : Column 284
Lord Broers: My Lords, I ask the Government, through the Minister, to reassure us that they realise the urgency of the situation. There is a limited capacity for making nuclear plants and the suppliers of nuclear plants already have their order books filled. China is currently building four or five new plants. We must get on with this, as it is extremely urgent. We must take safety into account, but please reassure us that the Government realise the urgency of the matter.
Lord Freud: My Lords, we realise the urgency. That is why we are going to produce a full statement on the issue very shortly.
Clive James stuns question time by stating that the new leader of the Labour party is a fantasist because he believes that emissions can be decreased by 80% by 2050.
David Dimbleby changes tack after a pregnant pause.
A study published in Science says the Amazon forest is not going to become extinct if the temperature rises by a couple of degrees after all, but it is under threat from deforestation. But the truly remarkable thing is that this story is reported by the Graun:
I think this is a first for the Guardian: acknowledging that something other than AGW is a more serious threat to the environment.
very worrying – In Germany
Subject: Deniers of climate change in the coalition government
The so-called “climate change sceptics” or “climate change deniers” for years have been a permanent fixture in American politics. Their influence on American politics is not insignificant. They are mainly supported and funded by the fossil fuels industry like Exxon (Esso) or Koch Industries. Now it appears that their influence is now growing in Germany and in Europe. In the past weeks various press releases and other reports have appeared in the “Financial Times Deutschland” and news magazine “Der Spiegel” about on how certain climate change deniers were given a discussion forum by the CDU and FDP Bundestag’s factions and that some parliamentarians of the ruling CDU and FDP factions were sympathetic to the ideas put forth by climate denier Fred Singer. This and a range of other activities by the so-called climate sceptics in Germany compel us to ask the German Government for its assessment.
We ask the German Federal Government:
6. Is the German Government aware of who financed Mr Singer for his activities? Is the Federal Government aware of the funders who – like Exxon und Koch Industries in den USA – fund the activities of the climate change deniers in Germany?
7. Does the German Government share the opinion that events involving Mr Singer provide a forum for the pure interests of the fossil fuel industry, and thus enhance their unscientific work and non-serious activities?
8. Are there voices within the German Government who question the anthropogenic causes of climate change?
10. Is the German Government aware of whether climate denier conferences are also being financed by public funds, for example by the Liberal Institute of the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation?
11. Fundamentally, does the German Government approve of the use of public funds for spreading the ideas of climate deniers like Fred Singer?
lubos motl:
“A letter not too tastefully titled “Deniers of climate change in the coalition government” (it used to be “Jewish elite spoiling the Aryan lives”) signed by the whole Parliamentary faction of the Greater Green Party was sent to the government one week ago.
In the letter, the green people complain that the influence of climate skepticism is rising in the U.S. as well as Germany where some people even dare to listen to Fred Singer. Imagine the crime! ”
Uncertainty gets a seat at the “big table”
by Judith Curry
On Nov 17, the U.S. House of Representative’s Committee on Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy and Environment is holding a hearing on “Rational Discussion of Climate Change: the Science, the Evidence, the Response.”
I have been invited to present testimony for this hearing.
I have been specifically asked by the minority (Republicans) to discuss how we can go about responding to the climate change issue in the face of uncertainty, dissent and disagreement.
A short piece in Scientific American on Hauser (Harvard psychologist accused of scientific fraud) discussing confirmation bias - giving examples, one of which is climate science. Unusual for SA to allow this to appear.
Oxfam's fantasy 'climate court' is both prescient and practical
Over a thousand legal experts, politicians and economists gathered in Dhaka this week to explore routes to justice for the victims of climate criminals – and found that precedents exist