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Oh $hite;

Seems like we were all wrong about solar. "Profits boost at Telford solar farm after first year"

According to Cllr Shaun Davies (the idiot behind the scheme), the £4 million scheme is expected to make £180K, instead of £150k in its first year. Unfortunately, when you read the article, it seems the good councillor's claims are based on "projected estimates".

But, I guess, even if he's correct, it's still going to take over 20 years to break even?

Jan 12, 2016 at 12:09 AM | Registered CommenterSalopian

Philip Dilley update

It would seem that Dilley + Bevan brewed up their own PR disaster (and nobody with an ounce of sense warned them off fibbing on the topic... I personally suspect they were encouraged by staffers) - according to the Sunday Times team (£) that are presently dogging the EA's every move :-)

Jan 11, 2016 at 11:17 PM | Registered Commentertomo

@michael hart

It took them quite a time to find and sign up Sir Philip Dilley as EA Chairman.Some people were not happy and perceived him as a traitor to the Green cause - one wonders if they will crow about his departure.

That a professional engineer with a substantial cv replaced a venal failed poet with a propensity to invent new types of rain was a bit of a surprise...

His demeanour at the parliamentary committee last week was not without a certain amount of scowling and I suspect there was some simmering anger in there somewhere (well controlled).

The fact that he arranged for cover in his absence and was no doubt assured by minions that it'll be OK - we'll cover for you... and was then promptly hung out to dry by a deliberate parade of lies from his own staff as to his whereabouts makes my conspiracy detector beep a bit....

As can be seen from the recent Sunday Times piece (£) on the EA - it has little shortage of self aggrandising gits who think an awful lot of themselves vying to promote themselves to the positions they want (and are "entitled to") it was always likely to be a poison chalice - but one does wonder if this involved daggers as well..... I wonder how long Sir James Bevan will last and if he's invested in a Kevlar waistcoat - him being an unwanted outsider 'n all....

jump / pushed?

Jan 11, 2016 at 9:53 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Ho hum UK government misses own green targets

Jan 11, 2016 at 8:50 PM | Registered CommenterLord Beaverbrook

JF: yep. Watching it now, and it is, on the whole, utter tripe, as well as being extraordinarily patronising. One thing they seem to avoid looking at is the simple fact that “extreme” weather in this country is not really all that unusual. Can you give an example of any decade when there hasn’t been “extreme” weather?

Oh, and now they’re onto the Arctic warming and its “loss of sea ice” mantra, over the last 30 years, the period of major ice loss in the Arctic (ignoring that 30 years ago was the fear of an oncoming ice age)… d’oh.

Jan 11, 2016 at 8:47 PM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

Anyone looking at the "Horizon: what's wrong with our weather?" tosh on the BBC at the moment?

Utter crap, with extra added Slingo. I am sure that Dr Richard Betts and sidekick Edwards will be all over this blog to refute......

Jan 11, 2016 at 8:40 PM | Unregistered Commenterjolly farmer

MH: do not worry – I am aware that there will be some in “public service” who genuinely are of service to the public; what gets my goat is that there are so many on the public purse whose principle desire is their own enrichment, the public be hanged. Sadly, many of that mentality seem able to work so much to their personal advantage; perhaps they make themselves aware of the skeletons in the cupboards of those in even higher authority – and make it known that they know about them.

Jan 11, 2016 at 7:26 PM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

RR, GC, for the record I'll also add that I know a good college friend who, the last time we communicated, was working for the Environment Agency in the Somerset Levels area, and had land-drainage experience in more Northerly climes. He would be properly identified as an Engineer who regarded his job priority as keeping the land drained, and peoples' homes dry.

There is probably no shortage of sensible people in the lower ranks of the Environment Agency. I wouldn't want them to give up in despair.

Jan 11, 2016 at 7:18 PM | Unregistered Commentermichael hart

Michael Hart: what grates the most with me is that this waste of space has two homes, one in Barbados, and a very well remunerated future, irrespective of whatever happens to his part-time jobs, all on the tax-payers’ shilling. Like so many in the halls of bureaucracy, he is more of a wealth-sponge than a wealth-creator, sucking money out of the tax-payers’ purse. I have no sympathy at all for him or his any of his kind; the sooner we get a “leader” who rids us of more of these leeches, the better.

Jan 11, 2016 at 5:56 PM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

michael hart, it is terrible news that he has resigned for living the other side of the Atlantic.

He should have been fired for incompetence, and overseeing an Institutionally Incompetent bunch of idiots. Let us all hope that someone with practical abilities is brought in from outside the Env Agency, to replace him, and hopefully the Green Blob infiltrators destroying the lives and environments of taxpayers.

Jan 11, 2016 at 5:41 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

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