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a few typos there like 90% not 9%
but you get the gist

Aug 26, 2017 at 10:44 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

@ST said "Explain to me why the BBC should give equal space to climate sceptics when we represent a tiny minority of what the BBC understands to be informed opinion? "

Em cos News ins't a textbook ! *
It deals with the NOVEL not the conventional.
News does not represent the 80% of experts who toe a line , it's there for the 100% of taxpayers who pay for it all.
News is about challening/testing the conventional narrative.
Like does it run the government line all the time ?
NO even if the gov report was 9% right the good journo would focus on the 5% wrong.

The best investigative journalism eg exposing trial injustice is going against the convention, going against many experts , but proving them wrong.
You don't tell to 3 small boys who say the Emperors coat id fake "No, you have to wait until 97 courtiers have spoken"

We know that if 97 experts says fracking is safe , the people will give more coverage to 3 antifracking boys.

Neither should news be a question of tribal
Each climate green issue should treated on it's own
It should not be the case that you gate keep against skeptics always
yet let on activists artists and actors to stretch the warming narrative to the extreme.
The BBC should have had people challenging diesel and biofuels early.

* Do Uni Climate depts actually invite skeptics to teach 3% of their course ...No the students get 100% party line

@ST said "Ask yourself the simple question - what benefits do the BBC receive by being biased in favour of AGW?
The answer to this was exemplified by what occurred or didn't occur after the Gore and Lawson interviews."

The Metrobubble have to fit in with the crowd or they don't get invited to dinner parties etc.
They have got themselves into the state of mind that the climate issue is a dichotomy of nice guys vs evil, that it is a tribal thing...and that they don't want to be in the bad tribe.
It's a bit more sophisticate than that, but believing in the miracle of GreenReligion is the path of least resistance. It takes a lot more guts to say the world is not black and white but full colour complex.
You know yourself that when you do pin a true-believer down they don't know half of what they think they know
And that confronting them on this upsets them, cognitive dissonance, cos you have spoiled their all encompassing black and white with no shades of doubt to deal with.

You get the same thought patterns with pyramid scams etc.
I've been in a room where 100 people are against me ..using a post hoc reasoning .
But I know I was right , and time proved me right.
Yet a few of the people in those pyramids still refuse to believe it was a scam ..and think they will get their money back in the end.
Simarly the BBC has climate religion ..and won't accept any other way

BTW I'm the BBC4 on subconcious behaviour , where when the experimenters used TMS (Magnet on the brain) to effect muscle movement , the people convinced themselves that the change was something they had decided themselves logically.
That's an example of the using a post hoc reasoning . I just mentioned

Aug 26, 2017 at 9:42 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

I don't see anything wrong with the pidgen English, cos it is national language of those non French speaking countries.

" In April 2014 the funding method for the BBC World Service changed and the government required that the BBC take over funding it directly instead of the FCO."
I think there maybe a special FCO grant for this language expansion project
"boosting its reach to 40 different languages, adding 11 extra nations to its listening list – and spending the £289m, spread over the next few years, that HMG tossed its way before the great Cameron clearances." The CrappyOne

Aug 26, 2017 at 9:02 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Bitchute = an alternative to YouTube - Dave Cullen of Computing Forever has a rant about the BBC's pidgin service to west Africa... I wonder if it's funded by FCO as part of World Service or it's an independent thing?

I think the BBC UK news and current affairs should be delivered in pidgin by default. I'd bet they've got a "mudslides is global warmin" piece - but I'm not going to look....

Aug 26, 2017 at 7:22 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Mailman. Any proof or just prejudice?

Aug 26, 2017 at 7:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterSupertroll

Super troll,

If SG got hundreds of thousands out on the street in support of anything al BBC doesn't support and they would instantly be labelled race hating right wing extremists.


Aug 26, 2017 at 6:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterMailman

SG. Go to the opticians : hundreds OR thousands, not hundreds OF thousands.

Aug 26, 2017 at 5:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterSupertroll

Alan the alarmists didn't get 100s of thousands at their march did they ?

Aug 26, 2017 at 4:59 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Alan tell the BBC that 52% voted Brexit'
And surveys show most remainders capitulated and want us to get in with Brexit' quickly.

Aug 26, 2017 at 4:58 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

SG. When will you ever get it? - the BBC considers you as a fringe minority and treats you accordingly. Get hundreds or thousands out onto the streets, gets hundreds of viewers/listeners to write/phone in espousing your cause, get ONE influential group to take your stand, and you might gain some recognition*. As it is we don't stand a chance. Only when/if the climate begins to turn colder will there be a chance. As it is the BBC [but why keep picking on the BBC?] is doing what it believes its remit is - to represent what informed opinion says. You (we) represent in it's eyes uniformed, potentially crank, opinion says.

*Note that your opposition can do, and does, this every day at the drop of a hat.

Aug 26, 2017 at 4:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterSupertroll

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