Discussion > Covid 19 stuff
There is a bit of a rabbit hole there though as who'd have thought that on January 13, 2020, while the epidemic is spreading in China, Agnes Buzyn (French health minister whose husband is amazingly associated with the Wuhan virus lab...) re-classifies Chloroquine - that re-classification is in and of itself curious since chloroquine has been over the counter for over 50 years in France.
Oh it is a rabbit hole, but nearly everything you just wrote is wrong.
On January 13 hydrochloroquine (so not chloroquinine) was indeed added to List II of poisonous substances
It just a list of 'Medicines likely to directly or indirectly present a health hazard', similar to our own 'prescription only' category. But this does not prevent prescription, indeed chloroquine has been on the list (so not 'over the counter') since 1999.
And whilst the Health Minister may have signed off on the reclassification, the original request came from the National Agency of drug safety (ANSM), and dates to a proposal by the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) in October last year.
L’Anses a été saisie le 8 octobre 2019 par l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire du médicament et des produits de santé pour un avis sur une proposition d’arrêté portant inscription de la hydroxychloroquine sur la liste II des substances vénéneuses
Apart from those little nitpicks - spot on.
I see Zero Hedge made an almost exactly similar claim
On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, still France’s Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.
I think Snopes is a bit better at fact checking...;-)

I've never had a recaptcha in the years I've been using this site from different OS and machines - not one single time.
To replicate: there's a site on the sidebar named Deep Climate. Go there and find the post titled 'Due Diligence - Wegman Style' (good post btw)
Try and post the URL here.
I get 'In order to control spam, please type the characters you see in the box below, then click 'Confirm Post' to continue with this post.' - but no box appears.

What's wrong Phil ?
She reclassified it and some trivial searching hints at some motive.
Agnes' hubby Yves Lévy is CEO of INSERM (the link with Wuhan is real and legitimate) and also seems to have had a running academic spat with Raoult.
Levy is a champion of vaccines, Raoult a proponent of drugs - the shin kicking and sniping has been by the look of it quite epic and Levy has obviously used his official connections to attack Raoult.
You routinely copy 'n paste in the manner of Justin Trudeau blathering about quantum physics - you might usefully spend some quarantine time boning up on pharmacology after you've finished remedial particle physics.
Oh and fyi, "over the counter" is dispensation at the discretion of the pharmacist - it isn't retail.... chloroquine is still an over the counter drug in the UK in it's various formulations.
still no recaptcha here ...... not using some proxying are you?
5 days cough to coffin
reserving this €3 drug protocol for those most affected in hospital is too late. Administering it at the first symptom is the most effective. Doing long and costly clinical trials is bound to cause other deaths, and would likely not happen in a epidemic episode it's a simple risk / benefit analysis. It's cheap, well known in toxicological terms - we really need to see if it's effective. Giving it to acute intubated victims is quackery of the first rank - and yes - some are suggesting that....

Trudeau's health minister out of the same stable as NY's Oxiris Barbot?
Not unreasonable to expect both to resign really.....

Wuhan doctor who apparently tried to get a warning out "disappeared" (60 minutes Australia)

Said the man more than happy to copy and paste conspiracy nonsense from Zero Hedge. Yes, she approved the drug, but it was a box-tick, as I showed the request to do so came from the regulatory body some four months earlier before the coronavirus had even jumped species. But never let facts get in the way of a good paranoid theory.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, it means just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less.”

Mar 30, 2020 at 9:47 AM Phil Clarke
Fortunately, most medics don't rely on Climate Scientists. The notable exception being those that followed the tragic consequences of The Lance's irresponsible Editor, another gullible Global Warmist.
In the meantime, Glasgow's SEC, the site for the Climate Party known as COP 26 is being considered as a hospital. As you seem against all initiatives to cope with Coronavirus, your contribution to killing off Climate Science may not please your paymasters.
If you and the Green Blob had only been honest about Mann's Hockey Stick, you wouldn't need to make stuff up.

Number of new cases in the UK has fallen three days in a row. Be (very cautiously) optimistic!
Ferguson again.

People who can be trusted not to mislead politicians and the public, are being provided with what they need, to deal with a genuine crisis.
NHS to open two more new hospitals to fight coronavirus
27 March 2020
"Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response
Two new NHS Nightingale Hospitals will open in Birmingham and Manchester to provide care to thousands more patients with coronavirus, chief executive Sir Simon Stevens has announced today.
The hospital based at the NEC in Birmingham will start with up to 500 beds equipped with the capacity to increase beds up to 2,000 if needed.
The hospital based at the Manchester Central Complex will provide up to 500 beds but could expand further to 1,000 beds for coronavirus patients across the North West of England."

..... and how long have Lévy and Raoult.been sparring?
I wasn't even aware that Zero Hedge had run with it. 50 years over the counter... That'd be like putting Ibuprofen on prescription.
Two NY doctors Dr Steve Cassapedis and Dr.Vladimir Zelenko are "breaking ranks" deploying chloroquine and seem to be having some success.
Like I said - we urgently need feedback from the front lines - I repeat 5 days cough to coffin perhaps swerved by a very inexpensive and fairly well understood generic drug is the sort of operational arithmetic that should have health professionals flooring the pedal to verification - be that a verified fail or a significant win - and we need wins at the moment.

"Like I said - we urgently need feedback from the front lines "
Mar 30, 2020 at 11:03 AM tomo
Each hospital in every country will be trying stuff out, with the results and consequences circulated within their own teams.
As the Doctors and Nurses in the front lines are taking the biggest exposures, they will want to know what they would like administered to themselves. They have courage, and motivation.

On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, still France’s Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.
who'd have thought that on January 13, 2020, while the epidemic is spreading in China, Agnes Buzyn (French health minister whose husband is amazingly associated with the Wuhan virus lab...) re-classifies Chloroquine - that re-classification is in and of itself curious since chloroquine has been over the counter for over 50 years in France.
-Mar 30, 2020 at 12:15 AM | tomo
Remarkable coincidence. Maybe it wasn't ZH, these things get spread around the conspiracy theorysphere. Its still paranoid bollocks. Hydrochloroquine was reclassified - as recommended before the first virus case was even diagnosed. Chloroquine has been on the same prescription classification since 1999.

Phuck off Phil
lame research - try French language search terms and you might find some more stuff.
Like I said your ignorance as usual shows up in spades.
GFY >>> piss off and bother the Daily Mail comments with Zed where you can compare testicles.

Losing again?

nah... just tired of the mendacious tosser
He really doesn't deserve engagement - but is a talented troll - there - I said it - Phil is good at something.

Progress with hydroxychloroquinine :

Like I said your ignorance as usual shows up in spades.
Mar 30, 2020 at 12:50 PM tomo"
He is the best that could be found amongst Mann's Disciples, and further compelling evidence for Trump to end Taxpayer Funding, to rescue the US Airlines.

12 November 2019. After a requested raised 8th October, the French Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES) recommend that hydrochloroquine is placed on List II of dangerous substances. Click
The virus that would become known as COVID-19 was first detected 5 days later in China. Clearly the French agency predicted the emergence of the new disease, foresaw the global spread, that Hydrochloroquine would be a valuable therapeutic, that their boss would benefit from restricting it and so put the approval process in motion.
January 13 2020, the proposal to place hydrochloroquine (not chloroquine) on List II is rubber-stamped. Click. Health Minister Agnes Buzyn cackles and rubs her hands in glee. ( Or more likely she just signed a form put in front of her, who knows? )

The number of US cases is now double that of China, in round numbers 160K vs 80K.
I really struggle to believe this is because the Chinese Commies are under-reporting, as claimed.

After 20 years of complete failure, Climate Scientists are still stuck with Mann's Hockey Stick, and have nothing else to offer but lies and deceit.

Phil, I've largely kept my head down on this thread, though I'm generally in agreement with your stance on it. However, if you really believe that China is reporting its deaths accurately, then I think you need to think a bit more critically. The Chinese Communist Party is ruthless and inscrutable. I think it highly unlikely that a country with a population of 1.3Bn people, many of them packed cheek by jowl in some of the world's most densely- and highly-populated cities, would have only 80,000 deaths from this, especially when the death rates in the west are so much higher.
Of course I have no proof for my doubts, but I think it's common-sense to be sceptical on this subject.

However, if you really believe that China is reporting its deaths accurately
I don't, however neither do I believe that the Chinese under reporting is sufficient to reverse the ranking in the table of number of cases, as I said the number of reported US cases is now double that of China, in round numbers 160K vs 80K.
In terms of accuracy, the US is still short of testing capacity, so they are likely detecting fewer positives per capita than other countries.

Mar 31, 2020 at 9:36 AM Phil Clarke
Mar 31, 2020 at 8:55 AM Mark Hodgson
There is no reason to trust Chinese data any more or less than Climate Science's. No independent Peer Review permitted.
China has the best human, and most expendable, resources to experiment with, and a huge worldwide propaganda incentive for finding a medical solution.
Deliberately withholding key data that might betray China is the same tactic used by Climate Science for decades.
China desperately needs the rest of the world to consume Chinese production. As soon as China can produce a solution, the market will be flooded with it, and probably not at rip-off prices either. China would like some good publicity.

Mild headscratcher there Phil
I've never had a recaptcha in the years I've been using this site from different OS and machines - not one single time.
Your linked sites are faked clickbaiters - I thought you might say "can't trust anything on The Internet - huh?"
As for Libération - fair enough the doctor concerned wanted to know why there aren't any stocks in central stores (there aren't - not challenged) and the answer was that the drug has been re-classified and some redeployment of stocks had taken place to other as yet unspecified "sub-stores".
There is a bit of a rabbit hole there though as who'd have thought that on January 13, 2020, while the epidemic is spreading in China, Agnes Buzyn (French health minister whose husband is amazingly associated with the Wuhan virus lab...) re-classifies Chloroquine - that re-classification is in and of itself curious since chloroquine has been over the counter for over 50 years in France.
Reading further Professor Raoult has stated that the claimed effect is a combination of prophylaxis and suppression of the early invasive phase of a viral infection - at the cost of a few pennies per dose and yet it seems that obstacles to allowing widespread use are being wilfully scattered about......
There is more to this - I am completely at ease with the idea that it doesn't work - the effort going into disruption seems actually counterintuitive.