Discussion > Covid 19 stuff
As an aside
I know that a number of trials of chloroquine derivatives are going on and scattered reports come in about efficacy (or lack thereof) - I thought to check on the pricing of the leading combination.
Generic Hydroxychloroquine 100 tablets $70
Plaquenil 100 tablets $1100
Azithromycin $200 100 tablets
That looks like a price worth paying to stop the collapse of our society. Obviously there are people who won't be able to tolerate the side effects...
We have to learn to live with this virus and the sooner the better - the damage done needs to be remediated .
- some interesting stuff about Spanish flu and Kellogg Cornflakes.

To the chronically credulous, maybe.
We know the origin.
Apr 3, 2020 at 12:44 AM Phil Clarke"
Phil Clarke, are any of your sources non-Hockey Teamster? Do you see why YOU have a credibility problem?

- some interesting stuff about Spanish flu and Kellogg Cornflakes.
Apr 3, 2020 at 5:17 AM tomo
Interesting, not my specialist subject, and I don't claim to understand it all but:
He has an idea that might explain some of the unexplained but known wide variations
He has looked for evidence that supports his idea, and found quite a lot.
It seems to match with research and results carried out by independent and unconnected specialists elsewhere.
Outside of China, the unknown unknowns can be discussed openly, and the uncensored Internet encourages this. Reducing the unknown unknowns assists all researchers, as it prevents duplicating unnecessarily.
Mann's Hockey Stick remains Unreliable, but Hockey Teamsters won't confirm why they know it is Unreliable.

Bolt from Australia
A stunning slow-down of the spread, and recoveries may soon outnumber new infections:
"As at 6:00am on 3 April 2020, there have been 5,224 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia.
There have been 248 new cases since 6:00am yesterday."
That's a record low rate of spread of just 5 per cent.
We need an exit strategy from these lockdowns.

We need an exit strategy from these lockdowns.
Apr 3, 2020 at 9:05 AM stewgreen
When the NHS is ready to cope with a rapid influx of critical cases requiring ICU with ventilators, the taps will probably be opened a little, and the consequences assessed 1-2 weeks later. The decision then, will probably be either close the taps again, or maintain slight opening, or open a little bit more.
Opening the taps could include the construction industry and supply chain, including DIY sheds, garden centres etc, participation sports (not spectator sports) People who take advantage, tend to be the more active and fit in THEIR age group, and will increase the size of the immune Herd, without overstretching ICU. People WILL still die as a result.

if you have a movie streaming service you might consider watching "The Road to Wellville" Tony Hopkins amuses in places but it is a bit patchy....
Bizarre, the "try anything and everything" John Harvey Kellogg's personal fixations might seem to us now, remember there were no antibiotics as such, it was another 30 years before viruses could be imaged. He managed to improve on the best Spanish Flu conventional medical care (US Army) for influenza by a considerable margin - I wonder if the film mentioned this and nobody noticed....
There is reasonable evidence that a real boost to the immune system can be driven by saunas .... as the MedCram man elaborates.... I wonder if we'll see a sauna building campaign?

I wonder if the bats brought back from Yunan were hibernating - or peeing, pooping and occasionally bleeding onto their captors in the labs at Wuhan Institute of Virology?
Are these bats in the WIV state of the art P4 biosecurity lab, which your 'credible' vlogger laowhy86 says is 300m from the Huanan Seafood market, when its actually in the Zhengdian Science Park, over the river and 40km away by road?
Long way to go for sushi ;-)

I wonder if we'll see a sauna building campaign?
Apr 3, 2020 at 5:53 PM tomo"
(posted on Unthreaded first by mistake)
Built of of timber and burning more timber? Fat chance, the Green Blob will block it.
The Hot Sauna followed by an icy plunge, is something I associate with Scandwegians and Russians, along with claims for improved health. I have never felt the slightest desire to try it, but interesting that there might be a genuine Medical benefit.
Ice baths are used by many sports people, for their muscles (?) I wonder if there is any locker room chat about other benefits?
Those who feel so much "better" after a curry or chilli (and sweating, alcohol etc) may actually be slightly addicted to a chemical within chilli peppers:
"It is common for people to experience pleasurable and even euphoric effects from ingesting capsaicin.[9] Folklore among self-described "chiliheads" attributes this to pain-stimulated release of endorphins, a different mechanism from the local receptor overload that makes capsaicin effective as a topical analgesic.[10]"

"Are these bats in the WIV state of the art P4 biosecurity lab, which your 'credible' vlogger laowhy86 says is 300m from the Huanan Seafood market, when its actually in the Zhengdian Science Park, over the river and 40km away by road?
Long way to go for sushi ;-)
Apr 3, 2020 at 7:39 PM Phil Clarke"
Do Hockey Teamsters have secret agents in China, desperately trying to stall COP 26?

"The Government has been uncritically using the Chinese Communist Party’s coronavirus data in its presentations for days. The numbers, which come from a regime that has expelled and disappeared journalists who questioned them, appear to show a dramatic leveling off of Coronavirus cases. Information obtained by the CIA, first reported in the Mail on Sunday and now followed up in the New York Times, reveals that:
The regime is incentivising, perhaps inadvertently, nil-reporting of new cases by district governments in Wuhan by announcing plans to give cash rewards to areas that report no new cases of infection.
Mid level bureaucrats in China have been lying about infection rates, testing and death counts, frightened that if they report numbers that are too high they will be punished, lose their position or be jailed.
China has form on this – silencing the doctors who initially tried to raise the alarm about Coronavirus. Now the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is seemingly using carrot and stick approaches encouraging no reporting of new cases. Not that the cases have actually gone away… "

I'll take laowhy86 over the troll pool that is Phil Clarke every time.
Since you know so much about it Phil - is the P4 lab an "in vivo" or "in vitro" kind of a place ? - oh and it's 11 miles away - sushi ? - I think we can safely assume that you've never been to a China wholesale seafood market - seafood market is likely a red herring ....
Wuhan national bio-safety level four lab of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Wuhan P4 lab) is part of Sino-French cooperation in prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases, said the Department of Health Science, Technology and Education with the National Health and Family Planning Commission.
That'd be the famous virologist husband of the French health minister again then?
I do not trust my own recollection that I looked at the proximity of the seafood market to a virus lab and the present mapping doesn't show that - but there is what looks like a large government lot without a label at the claimed location.
The connection to bats is indisputably there - the strain of virus hasn't as far as I am aware been geolocated to a particular bat population local to Wuhan (or anywhere else accurately ... ) It might be expected that to allay all suspicion that bat virus researchers in Wuhan would correlate genetics of the virus in humans with what they have (left?) on file in the lab.... - I mean, they record all the sequenced RNA as a central tasking in their research.

The 'sushi' was a joke. I am mocking you.
Oh, there is a virology lab adjacent to the market, it just has nothing to do with the secretly-cremated postgrad conspiracy that you find 'credible'. You'd kinda hope your source would have known that.
And yes, the virus almost certainly came from bats, perhaps but more likely not evolving via a secondary host, but there's a perfectly plausible route from wildlife to human transmission that doesn’t require Government coverup paranoia. Occam's razor and all that.
Oh, and the 'paper' quoted by your vlogger, alleging various lab protocol transgressions? It has been withdrawn because it was basically trash.
The purported instances of pathogens leaking from Wuhan laboratories, according to this “study,” came from a Chinese news report (that we believe, based on the similarity of the research described and people involved, to be reproduced here) that profiled a Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention researcher named Tian Junhua. In 2012 and 2013, he captured and sampled nearly 10,000 bats in an effort to decode the evolutionary history of the hantavirus. In two instances, this researcher properly self-quarantined either after being bitten or urinated on by a potentially infected bat, he told reporters. These events, according to the 2013 study his research produced, occurred in the field and have nothing to do with either lab’s ability to contain infective agents.

There are some weird stories going around about this – quoting the New York Times, no less, and we all know how reliable they have proven to be.

That Phil... 'ees such a charmer innee?
and just so knowledgeable - infallible even...
What would we do without him / her / it?
So - oh omniscient one - they've published a comparison (correlation even) of the presently sequenced human strains to their catalogue and given a non techno-blather summary of their findings?
Snopes is about as reliable these days as the distance app that you use.

"It has been withdrawn because it was basically trash."
Apr 3, 2020 at 11:17 PM Phil Clarke
97% of Climate Science is trash, but has not been withdrawn. How do you feel about honesty and integrity in Climate Science, when Taxpayers are being ripped off by charlatans?
" ah, OK Phil .... you believe The Chinese Communist Party - there's a serious error right there.
CCP trying to wriggle out of responsibility
whaddya make of the reputed 20 million mobile phones dropping off line in Xi Jinping's back yard?
Mar 26, 2020 at 11:53 PM tomo"
"Mar 26, 2020 at 6:15 PM | Phil Clarke
You are clearly hoping that the death toll will exceed that due to corrupted Climate Science.
Mar 27, 2020 at 12:12 AM golf charlie"
I propose a full Audit of Climate Science, along the lines instigated by Steve McIntyre.
In the meantime, is Climate Science in any position (with or without funding) to lecture Medics on tackling a genuine problem such as Coronavirus? Climate Science has killed people by depriving them of affordable power, potable water, medical aid etc. CO2 hasn't.
Taxpayers and Politicians are getting some intensive education on how they have been lied to, and ripped off.

"There are some weird stories going around about this – quoting the New York Times, no less, and we all know how reliable they have proven to be.
Apr 3, 2020 at 11:28 PM Radical Rodent"
I bet she believes in Mann's Hockey Stick.

More evidence that as the World tries to adapt and cope with Coronavirus, Climate Scientists are selfish, arrogant, and do not deserve public money or sympathy.
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
More evidence greens are only thinking of themselves, and the opportunity the Chinese Coronavirus lockdown presents for a permanent power grab.
"Our approach to covid-19 can also help tackle climate change
We can’t lose sight of the climate emergency when dealing with the covid-19 pandemic, say *Christiana Figueres* and Tom Rivett-Carnac"
By Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac
"WE HAVE known for some time that 2020 was going to be a milestone year for the climate change crisis, requiring a radical reversal of the current trajectory in global greenhouse gas emissions. But what we didn’t know was that we would also face a global health crisis this year. The decisions we make now to tackle this imminent threat will affect us for generations to come, including our ability to halt global warming."
When did Global Warming get downgraded to an " imminent " threat?
" There is no established link between covid-19 and climate change. However, the way we are altering the planet will make the spread of some diseases more likely."
" With covid-19, governments are now agreeing economic stimulus packages to help people and corporations survive the likely recession. It is no exaggeration to say that the decisions they are taking will shape the world for generations."
Yes, should kill off Climate Science
" Moments of crisis are always moments of opportunity. Many crucial decisions will be made over the next few months. As options are considered, we should ask ourselves what is the most effective way to overcome the immediate threat and how to dovetail those decisions into the making of a future where we not only survive, but actually thrive together with nature."
Yes, kill off Climate Science, and certainly don't listen to 97% of Climate Scientists, they are not to be trusted.
Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24532763-500-our-approach-to-covid-19-can-also-help-tackle-climate-change/
" Climate activists see the Covid-19 crisis as an opportunity to enslave the world with green communism. They are hoping frightened people, reeling from the shock of the Covid-19 outbreak, will be more willing to do what they are told."
" But moments of crisis can also bring liberty, as anyone who knows the history of the USA will understand. People who have experienced a real crisis first hand may be less willing to continue to accept the lies of fake crisis climate elitists, and the UN enablers whose incompetence helped create the global Covid-19 crisis."

Gwen (Apr 4, 2020 at 7:32 AM): I take it that is an admission that you did not watch it all…? Do – it is interesting.
There are also teams of experts out there who are giving advice contrary to what we are being told. Why are we not being told about this? Is the mainstream media ignoring them, or not wanting us to know about them? There are some quite alarming parallels between this crisis and the whole “climate change” debacle.

Apr 4, 2020 at 8:58 AM Radical Rodent
I started and gave up after a minute. Will try again.

Well… you seem to have time on your hands, now…. 😁

Films, scripts and productions featuring Chinese people’s efforts against the #COVID19 outbreak will receive funds, says a notice from China’s Film Administration early this week, encouraging artists to tell the country’s stories against the deadly #virus.

Well… you seem to have time on your hands, now…. 😁
Apr 4, 2020 at 9:30 AM Radical Rodent
I managed to complete it, excellent in an excruciating way!
Lewandowsky has established a link between deranged liars and Climate Science, and I suspect there is some form of correlation with those fabricating faked up news over Coronavirus. The two groups seem to spend a lot of time NOT socially distancing themselves from each other.

Bloomberg :

tomo, another bit of Bloomberg bat's hit reporting.

Thanks Phil
iirc that statement from Wuhan Institute of Virology was in the video.
From the linked lancet paper.
(Discussion p572)
I wonder if the bats brought back from Yunan were hibernating - or peeing, pooping and occasionally bleeding onto their captors in the labs at Wuhan Institute of Virology? I somehow doubt that the researchers there indulge their flying furry subjects with a winter kip. The publishing date is interesting 29th January 2020 - that would be roughly 15 days after my Chinese trade contacts in Chonquing went mysteriously silent.
One wonders how "we know the origin" when the paper actually doesn't attribute a physical origin but indulges in more diffuse conjecture than even the video attempts.
As an aside - I checked the credentials of the listed academic authors and stumbled across (well it was info top page left of the search for the guy as per usual Chrome Google searches) an odd Google snippet that turned up in the first search iteration about one of the only non-Chinese contributor to the paper, Edward C Holmes of University of Sydney.
- more soap opera science ?