Discussion > Covid 19 stuff
China just banned all foreigners - something to do with the phone conversation Xi had last night?

TDS clearly costing New Yorker lives....
Trapped in this mindset that Trump is always 100% wrong and it causes them to step on rakes - they'll do complete 180s on their positions in 48hrs, repeatedly, just to be opposite Trump.

Not a good look
@NYGovCuomo bought solar panels instead of ventilators, masks and other necessary medical gear.

Mar 27, 2020 at 2:01 PM tomo
So stupid, they probably still believe in Mann's Hockey Stick and the usefulness of Climate Science funding.

TDS clearly costing New Yorker lives....
Trapped in this mindset that Trump is always 100% wrong and it causes them to step on rakes - they'll do complete 180s on their positions in 48hrs, repeatedly, just to be opposite Trump.
Does not compute. Clearly some NY public health professionals underestimated or maybe downplayed the severity of the threat. But in that they were entirely in line with DJT at the time…
On January 26, New York City’s health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, warned, “It’s inevitable that we will have someone who is positive with coronavirus.” She also said, “We are encouraging New Yorkers to go about their everyday lives and suggest practicing everyday precautions that we do through the flu season.” She added that those “who had recently traveled from Wuhan were not being urged to self-quarantine or avoid large public gatherings.”New York City officials were not alone in their assessment. Most U.S. government figures underestimated the enormity of the threat that coronavirus presented. On January 22, President Trump had made his first public comment about the coronavirus, during an interview on CNBC, making it sound like no threat at all:
Joe Kernen: Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?
President Trump: No. Not at all. And — we’re — we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.
So these people are so 'deranged' by Trump that they are compelled to, um, put out the same message as him.
I think the whole 'TDS' thing is just a lazy argument for people unable to come up with a reasoned response to legitimate criticism of Dishonest Don. Not a good look.
Yes, Oxiris Barbot and others blundered, about the same time and in the same way as Trump, however she is responsible for advising a city, he is meant to be leading a country (Ha Ha). And she has since updated her advice whilst The Donald lacks any kind of clarity, making nonsensical remarks about 'open for business by Easter' when the epidemiology tells us that by then the US will be suffering a 9/11 scale mortality event every day.
But hey, Nancy Pelosi has hilariousy funny teeth.
Source: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/03/the-timeline-of-how-bill-de-blasio-prepared-new-york-city-for-the-coronavirus

Landon Spradlin. Crazy name, crazy guy.

Some irony in "Phil Clarke" throwing 'not a good look' at anybody.
Booked in for ECT yet?

iirc the New York tests of "Trump's Fish Tank Cleaner" should be reporting on trials progress (if any) by 18:00 EST Saturday.

Looks a bit like there's an international squabble developing about fish tank cleaner

Seeing / hearing some anecdotal stuff (from medics) about Wuhan coronavirus outcomes tracking blood groupings - the detail will out later .....

Anecdotal medication
Exactly. Sample size n=1. It doesn't give the bloke's age but he looks to be in his fifties, in that range mortality is 3%, so he had a good chance of recovering, drug or no drug.
Trump touted the low mortality rate as a big factor, he also described the fact that people recover after a particular treatment as a gamechanger, apparently without spotting the inconsistency.
Meanwhile, there's been a run on the drug such that people who need it for the complaints it is approved for are finding it hard to fill their prescriptions.
There are grounds for optimism, but until a proper double-blind, good sample size, randomised trial reports we don't know if the drug is effective, never mind optimum dosage, side-effects etc. Trump's lie that chloroquinine has been approved for COVID-19, and his describing it as one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine were irresponsible and designed to distract from his own mishandling of the crisis, in my view.

Oh dear Phil ...
you aren't Googling enough. MDs across America have been ordering Fish Tank Cleaner by the truckload, for their own off label use and very obviously they know far less than Phil Clarke.
India (biggest producer) banned export a few days ago (UK before that)
The results of the Bayer donation roll out in NY are supposed to be reported this evening - good OR bad.
You can take your view and use it as a suppository.

Mar 28, 2020 at 12:12 PM Phil Clarke
How do you rate the predictive accuracy of Mann's Hockey Stick?

Do they know less than the AMA?

I trust Ferguson.
Grim times when 20,000 people dying can be looked on as positive news.

The AMA will doubtless discuss fish tank cleaner at their next convention tentatively in 3 months time - in the meantime medics on the front line are looking for stuff that works - it's a scramble that has absolutely fuck-all to do with union membership (and only peripherally involves POTUS)
The results from testing in the "trenches and tents" of NY hospitals has to be one of the most important bits of information scheduled to be released today - few actual medics are calling it before the results come in...

Grim times when 20,000 people dying can be looked on as positive news.
Mar 28, 2020 at 12:45 PM Phil Clarke
How many have died due to Hockey Teamsters denying them access to reliable power, potable water, fuel to cook etc?

Some news on the latest news

France gives signal to start chloroquine coronavirus treatment h/t commenter Celtic_Mistover at BBBC
No details of combination therapy as yet.
Looks like somebody was keen to beat Les Yanquis to the draw.

Looks like somebody was keen to beat Les Yanquis to the draw.
Mar 28, 2020 at 8:40 PM tomo
Will fish tank cleaner be useful for swamp clearance? It seems to be quite potent stuff.

MDs across America have been ordering Fish Tank Cleaner by the truckload, for their own off label use
Not sure it works quite like that. Fortunately Cuomo has a bit more of a clue about what constitutes responsible dispensing and banned all non-trial off-label use in NY by Executive Order on Monday.
No pharmacist shall dispense hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine except when written as prescribed for an FDA-approved indication; or as part of a state approved clinical trial related to COVID-19 for a patient who has tested positive for COVID-19, with such test result documented as part of the prescription. No other experimental or prophylactic use shall be permitted, and any permitted prescription is limited to one fourteen day prescription with no refills.
How long do you think it takes to run a proper drug trial and get enough hard data to form significant conclusions? Hint:more than 5 days.

Mar 28, 2020 at 10:55 PM Phil Clarke
Stocks of fish tank cleaner will not be depleted, and will still be available for swamp clearance.

How long do you think it takes to run a proper drug trial and get enough hard data to form significant conclusions? Hint:more than 5 days.
Mar 28, 2020 at 10:55 PM Phil Clarke
Climate Scientists can Peer Review without checking anything, but still reach destructive conclusions.

Meanwhile in Wuhan
Not clear if the reporter is actually in Wuhan or if it's a re-hashed piece from CCP controlled media. This guy is in California - but provides informed commentary unfiltered by the ChiComs.