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Discussion > President Trump

Apr 7, 2018 at 7:51 PM | tomo
There is no doubt that the poisoning involved Russian technology. No evidence has been made available that confirms it was sponsored by Putin or the Kremlin.

It may be that UK Spooks do have evidence, but every Russian oligarch retains security staff, and any technology is available for a price.

We don't know whether Skripal was targetted because of what he had already said, or what he might have said. There is a clear message for Russians trying to hide abroad.

Apr 7, 2018 at 8:38 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Re Salisbury incident
It's not even worth commentig on
Bystanders are applying draught rules to a chessgame
..where half the board is hidden.
just wait 10 years ..maybe some truth will come out.

Apr 8, 2018 at 9:12 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen


There are no actual rules in that game beyond what has utility or gives advantage under a certain set of circumstances.

Were the writers of Yes Prime Minister prescient or simply picking up on a recurrent Whitehall tactic?

The purported use of chemical weapons has been used in Syria to justify attacks by "coalition partners" - no reason why that shouldn't find wider utility... Steve McIntyre has spend quite a bit of effort teasing out troubling detail and inconsistencies.

What is clear now is that there was a Western spook alliance aimed at bringing down / neutralising Trump - if Salisbury had something to do with it is an unknown and will stay that way unless somebody has left a loose end.

Apr 8, 2018 at 12:46 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Looks like Trump is going to have no choice but to fire the bent cop Mueller

Things might well kick off big time after that....

Apr 10, 2018 at 12:47 AM | Registered Commentertomo

An example of Mueller's antics:

He's investigating (Ukranian businessman) Victor Pinchuk's $150,000 donation to the Trump Foundation, but NOT investigating Pinchuk's $25,000,000 donation to the Clinton foundation -and- her lying about knowing him.

I mean ... somebody gives you $25 million and you don't know them?

Apr 11, 2018 at 10:48 AM | Registered Commentertomo

I mean ... somebody gives you $25 million and you don't know them?

Apr 11, 2018 at 10:48 AM | tomo

The Clinton's memories are sometimes hazy and fuzzy, depending on what they had to celebrate at the time.

Apr 11, 2018 at 11:56 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


that's only one example.

Mueller's personal antics particularly with regard to HSBC and Mexican drug cartel money absolutely stink to high heaven - even a quick look shows that there are actions simply so brazen and blatant that actively ignoring it / and driving it off MSM must be being aggressively pursued.

Mueller's bent - so much so - that one is forced to wonder if the risk of exposure is absolutely what's driving his attacks on DJT?

Apr 11, 2018 at 12:26 PM | Registered Commentertomo

tomo, from the introduction here:

"Since May 2017, a  has been led by the United States Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, a former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The investigation is examining Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, including exploring any links or coordination between Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government, "and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation". Mueller's investigation took over several FBI investigations including those involving former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn."

I do not know if those are the exact wordings of the "Terms of Reference", and if so, who drew them up? But the emphasis is on "Trump" and "Russia", so Mueller will write in his memoirs that he had to concentrate on the "Terms of Reference", and NOT get involved in Mission Creep or get dragged into investigating the Democrat/Progressive swamp of fraud and corruption.

Mueller is not a fool. I expect he is keeping detailed notes, just in case he is called to provide evidence in any subsequent investigation, that may have "Terms of Reference" targetted at an alternative outcome.

Apr 11, 2018 at 1:09 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


Mueller imho must have a significant personal investment in preserving the system that prevailed pre-DJT - I can't accept now that he's a principled and dispassionate lawman.

Apr 11, 2018 at 1:29 PM | Registered Commentertomo

In the annals of urine extraction


Must rank somewhere near the top.

Apr 11, 2018 at 9:51 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Apr 11, 2018 at 1:29 PM | tomo

Initially, Mueller simply had to investigate the evidence presented. Most, possibly all, of the accumulated evidence seems very iffy.

I think Mueller is trying to stick to "Trump" & "Russia", as instructed, but there are far fewer dots for him to join, than even he thought. He could be trying to protect the liberty of some of his close associates.

Radio 4 News seems to have reported that Mark Zuckerberg did not give away anything incriminating, but I think it is too early for US Democrats AND Republicans to breathe a sigh of relief. If Mueller is investigating "Trump" and "Russia" and does not summon Zuckerberg, it means either that Mueller knows there is nothing there, or it would open a far bigger can of worms than "Trump" and "Russia".

I have never had a Facebook account!

I do not know whether Cambridge Analytica, are yet believed to have committed a Criminal Offence under UK Law, but their Acting CEO has now (been?) stepped down. Who knows who else may have commissioned Cambridge Analytica or similar shady operators?

Apr 11, 2018 at 11:07 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

CA is a sideshow dreamed up by lefties

Zuckerberg ... looks damned odd in Congress (like "Data" from Star Trek) - the questions are limited and the IT prowess of many in Congress (given the Awan family firm's antics) look to be on a par with dad's Ipad gag - lets face it George Galloway ran rings around badly briefed ignorant US legislators who summoned him for an inquisition.

I was initially inclined to give Mueller the benefit of historical FBI "incorruptble G-man legend" status - but his activity hints at being a partisan actor with skin in the game - the Mexico HSBC business, other career history and the make up of the investigating team that's emerged - as I said up-thread - make me very suspicious indeed about his independence and honesty.

Mueller's 2011 Icelandic expedition did not go well and I'm surprised he hasn't used the subject of that to pursue a grudge against the target... as part of the Trump-Russia game. Maybe coming to London might trigger some awkward questions.

Apr 12, 2018 at 12:10 AM | Registered Commentertomo

"Now we finally know the answer to the burning question of whether George Clooney intends to run for U.S. president. Amal is on the cover of May's American Vogue. The campaign starts here."

Apr 12, 2018 at 12:20 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


Have George & Amal been back to the UK since they retreated to California d/t "security concerns"?

Apr 12, 2018 at 12:24 AM | Registered Commentertomo

Looks like upping the ante hardball is the way to loosen FBI / DOJ slow walk obstruction.

There will be more

Apr 12, 2018 at 12:56 AM | Registered Commentertomo


"Facing legal action, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein allowed House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to view the FBI memo that instigated the bureau's counterintelligence investigation of contacts between Russia and the Trump campaign, Nunes confirmed on Wednesday."

"Fox News has previously reported that the memo was either drafted by or had significant input from FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's probe after the discovery of anti-Trump text messages between him and another FBI official, Lisa Page."

"Despite Rosenstein making the minimally redacted version of the memo available, the government source said committee Republicans remained concerned about the memo’s underlying intelligence and the credibility of the sources which would require further investigation."

"A Justice Department official told Fox News that the memo's redactions had been "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent... These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation."

I am not sure if some of the wording has been carefully, or carelessly chosen.

Strzok and Page have kept very low profiles so far. Their Text messages may not have been viewed as Criminal Offences, but showed a lack of neutrality. This Memo could wipe a few years off many pensions.

Apr 12, 2018 at 8:49 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

I do hope Alan Dershowitz (nominally a Democrat!) gets his teeth properly into FBI-DOJ-Mueller with Trump's approval ...

That would be grand :-)

Looks like he might be winding up for a scrap

Apr 12, 2018 at 11:58 PM | Registered Commentertomo

What ‘Chappaquiddick’ Gets Right Is Enough To Make Your Blood Boil

Which leads to

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit

Which leads to

n 1992, Tim Sebastian published a story about the memorandum in the London Times. Here in the U.S., Sebastian's story received no attention. In his 2006 book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, historian Paul Kengor reprinted the memorandum in full. "The media," Kengor says, "ignored the revelation."

"The document," Kengor continues, "has stood the test of time. I scrutinized it more carefully than anything I've ever dealt with as a scholar. I showed the document to numerous authorities who deal with Soviet archival material. No one has debunked the memorandum or shown it to be a forgery. Kennedy's office did not deny it."

Apr 13, 2018 at 2:33 AM | Unregistered Commenterclipe

The BBC wakes up to Mister McCabe - or morelike folds in favour of the entirely obvious....

Apr 14, 2018 at 1:54 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Apr 14, 2018 at 1:54 PM | tomo

That is an interesting story for the BBC to report on. A month ago, they reported:

FBI ex-deputy director Andrew McCabe sacked days before retirement. 17 March 2018

"The report has not been released but it is thought to refer to an interview Mr McCabe authorised between two FBI officials and a Wall Street Journal reporter in October 2016 to explain the agency's position in the Clinton emails inquiry."

So who led the BBC to think that, and why?

Apr 14, 2018 at 9:28 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


The DoJ/FBI/Democrats et al have slow walked this whole thing, DJT has been patient despite repeated provocation.

The Democrat partisans have tried and tried to provoke Trump to do something precipitate causing a load of sparks and so on but - give the man his due .... - he's either totally dim, which seems unlikely regardless of the constant barrage of insults - or he knows that he can't win by confronting the bureaucrat swamp in a pitch battle and is biding his time picking them off as opportunity presents.

The IG report will chip a few more off .... Brennan, Clapper, HRC and BHO will take a while.

I think the BBC are quite practiced at self preservation and judging the direction of the wind and then positioning themselves. I'm thinking that there have been some attempts to patch up the relationship with this US administration from a Whitehall that clearly participated in attempts to pull Trump down via GCHQ and Mr. Steele....

Apr 15, 2018 at 12:59 AM | Registered Commentertomo

tomo, the BBC is covering itself in something, but it does not smell of glory.

The BBC is not the only media outfit to treat Trump with contempt, and remain unapologetic, having got it wrong, so consistently.

The BBC is damaging its own reputation for credibility, integrity and reliability. St Hillary must have promised the BBC some great White House party invites.

Apr 15, 2018 at 7:36 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Questions being asked at the top as I understand it.

- Why was Hillary not put under oath when questioned by FBI?

- Why were 5(!) of her staff given immunity, including suspect Cheryl Mills, who was also allowed to act as Hillary’s counsel?

- Who gave the order to FBI agents to destroy Hillary’s laptops?

@Comey knows...

Yep... this is warming up

Apr 15, 2018 at 10:30 PM | Unregistered Commentertomo

Apr 15, 2018 at 10:30 PM | tomo

Not the first time that people have asked those questions..........

Does the USA have a 30 Year Rule similar to the UK? You would need to be in a very Senior position to instruct the FBI to cease and desist.

Apr 15, 2018 at 11:05 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

30 year rule?

It has to be invoked though.... I thought ? and I'm not certain that it works fully if there are criminal misdeeds.

We don't know what antics are going on behind the scenes - it's clear I think that quite a proportion of the American public are dissatisfied with progress to date. The recent missiling of Syrian facilities obviously plays a part in the overall political picture.

Like I said - the bureaucrats are set up for a pitch battle and are slow walking disclosure - tactics to deal with that aren't going to be pushed into the public realm as it'd give the creeps a go at "headin 'em off at the pass.... "

Apr 15, 2018 at 11:21 PM | Registered Commentertomo