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Laying in wait

The Graun carries a short report about a survey of householders which shows that one in three people keeps a makeshift weapon beside their bed as protection against burglars. It was also covered on 5Live this morning.

Householders confessed to putting items such as golf clubs, cricket bats and heavy torches within reach for self-defence from burglars, researchers found, and more than half said they were prepared to use them.

While this is a pretty damning indictment of where our society has got itself to, I was surprised that neither the Graun or the Beeb mentioned that keepting a weapon beside your bed is actually (IIRC) illegal. You are only allowed to use something to hand. Now obviously you can concoct an argument that the cricket bat/torch/steel bar that you used to brain the intruder was by your bed for completely innocent purposes, but itsn't it rather horrific that the state would rather turn a third of the population into liars rather than let them plan for their own self-defence?

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Reader Comments (6)

You're right to categorise the post under "Civil Liberties" too. What right has the State to tell you you cannot prepare for the failure of your local constabulary (which is true for all crimes except speeding) in your OWN home?!

Facist it be.
Jul 17, 2007 at 9:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterCllr Gavin Ayling
I was listening to a radio debate about this, and a police spokesperson was blithering on about how you should only use a weapon when you feel you are directly threatened or someone close to you is directly threatened.

He even specified that if you actually manage to corner the little oik you caught in your kitchen at 2am lifting your car keys, then _he_ might feel threatened because he is cornered, and he would be allowed to attack _you_, in _your_ home, with a weapon, because _you_ cornered (threatened) _him_.

He said this without a hint of irony too.

"Your honour, I broke into the defendents house and immediately felt threatened, so I went upstairs and beat the living crap out of him."
Jul 18, 2007 at 12:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterIanCroydon
It was most prevalent in Liverpool, I believe.
Jul 18, 2007 at 11:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterPurple Scorpion
rather strangely i was interviewed yesterday by the Today program on this very subject. i keep a baseball bat by my bed and would keep a gun were it legal.

(clip on blog)
Jul 19, 2007 at 8:04 AM | Unregistered Commenterpommygranate

Fame at last!
Jul 19, 2007 at 8:44 AM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill
30 seconds of it. im still owed 14:30 minutes.
Jul 19, 2007 at 9:34 AM | Unregistered Commenterpommygranate

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