
Déjà vu - Josh 364


A hilarious possibility but one which Zeke has already said has been fixed or was wrong. Well, that's a relief - these things do tend to happen in Climate Science.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
A hilarious possibility but one which Zeke has already said has been fixed or was wrong. Well, that's a relief - these things do tend to happen in Climate Science.
Reader Comments (59)
Dear Josh
What happened to the UK?
Can see Norway, France and Spain but no UK
Best wishes
Love your work....
Magnum: Perhaps Josh is anticipating the UK leaving Europe?
UK is defenitely there but joined to mainland (in vote successful?) perhaps caused by massive sea level fall and total collapse of AGW. Josh as soothsayer?
Don't let Tallbloke see that, he'd have a fit.
In Josh's model of the world, the United Kingdom must be united to something.
I myself am a fan of the Atlantic Multidecadal Frowny Face as well as the anatomically correct climate scientists.
Don't tell me that any changes that had to be made did not change the end result. Climate science, the only human endeavour where the output can be foreseen without knowing the inputs.
Let's not get carried out.
This data is one of the cornerstones of the unquestionable evidence that human activities are destroying the planet. Future Nobel Prize recipient Leonardo DiCaprio eloquently elaborated at length on the topic for years in order to earn the Oscar that has eluded him his entire career.
So, do large data sets tend to contain noise? Yes. Aberrations? Yes. Distortions? Yes. Randomness? Residuals? Interference? I repeat myself, yes, yes, yes.
But they also (and mainly) contain the Truth, the evidence, the smoking gun that is BigOil savaging the planet for greed and evil. It is up to YOU to stop this from taking place.
Read all about it directly from the many interviews given by the genius that is James Hansen. His accurate foretelling for the last three decades is on its own absolute proof of AGW. Now, do his visions tend to contain noise? Yes. Aberrations? Yes. Distortions? Yes. Randomness? Residuals? Interference? I repeat myself, yes, yes, yes.
Dismiss these minutiae as irrelevant and bathe in the luminous Truth of the impending doom.
Ayla is the Sock Puppet of Thulsa - lock up your snakes and daughters !
The poor dears have been confused by the recent reversal of the Earth's magnetic field. That must be the answer.
That oracle of scientific excellence the Guardian has had to print an embarrassing correction today for its list of bomb-making materials found by police in a flat that had been used by four men involved in the terrorist attacks in Brussels. They had listed 'oxygenated water' as one such material. Clearly their linguistic prowess is little better than the profundity of their science - a simple google search would have immediately informed them that 'eau oxygenee' is hydrogen peroxide.
Ahh, Leonardo di Caprio, a person whose career is based on him blatantly lying in public. He has said that you should not vote for someone who does not believe in modern science – note, he did say modern science. This is a science completely different from old science; this is a science where data that has differences from the theory is obviously wrong – this makes it so much easier for scientists, who are getting fed up of being wrong so often; with new, Modern Science™©, they need never be wrong, ever again. A win for so many, you do have to agree.
(I wish that had been my idea; I have to thank the Galileo Movement for that.)
So if the Poles are the wrong way round, all penguins are going to have to fly North in winter, to comply with climate science's rewriting of biology. Will Mann be allowed to core drill anymore Arctic trees, if Penguins are nesting in them?
There weren't supposed to be any polar bears left by now, so presumably this is why Britain is paying for the ice breaking scientist's cruise ship, to round up the polar bears and ship them South. Airlines have declined to fly them, citing difficulties with adequate In-Flight Food, and concerns about lethal weapons being accepted as passengers
Father Christmas and his flying reindeer will appreciate not having to clear their home runway of polar bears anymore, known to be almost as obstructive as Plane Stupid and Greenpeace, but young penguins taking flying lessons could get sucked into the reindeer air intakes. Orcas will no doubt be keen to clear up any downed fliers, that crash into the sea.
So no real disruption will occur to get the earth to comply with the computer models.
When Harry met Ayla. (Mind if I smoke...?)Is it possible that any previous mass extinction events have had nothing to do with CO2, temperature, volcanoes, asteroid impacts etc, but have occurred as a result of the Poles switching? If birds flew in the cooler, wrong direction every year in the mating season, their passion and reproductive ability, might just drop off.The Mid Atlantic ridge confirms this is a regular occurrence, and it is just possible that Mann is more sensitive than we give him credit for.
His priapic Stick imagery, may be about functionality in a warmer climate, but priapism would be unsustainable in a colder one.
Mann may finally have got something right! Even if it was for the wrong reason.
"Atlantic Multidecadal Frowny Face"
Dammit, Earle: think of the keyboards.
About 70% of the Earth's surface is ocean 30 % land. About 67% of land is in the northern hemisphere. About 90% of Earth's population lives in the northern hemisphere.
Good point, Pharos. Does that mean that the giant gyroscope that is the Earth is unbalanced? What will happen, particularly as we are all getting so much fatter in the much-vaunted “obesity epidemic” that is sweeping the West? Fat westerners are doing even more to force this planet to destruction! Mind you, this obesity epidemic has about as much evidence to support it as AGW – so the politicians must be telling the truth! Oh, woe! What is to become of us! (Exeunt stage left, with much wailing and gnashing of teeth ... once I get them out of the glass…)
Saturated fat (C17H35CO2H) is high in carbon and also a sink for CO2. Some might view it as a good thing. Others might be sceptical, like me.
True enough
Radical Rodent, 97% of climate scientists are unbalanced, the Earth remains perfectly ok.
Saturated and fat polar bears are only to be found swimming around the Arctic, but their photos are never printed in climate science pornography as the voyeurs and vultures only want to see emaciated skinny ones.
This cartoon might well be the one to choose for the cover of the volume of The People's Encyclopaedia of the Great CO2 Scare in which it will be shown that so many of the perps on the science side were as thick as two short planks but so many of the politicals were as well that they failed to notice it.
Examined original artwork and pondered similarity of the two climate vonder-kids.
Then I got it, Josh is being subtle.
They are the same person and represent the impending isolation of Man (Mann?) or perhaps the entire alarmist debating team, only talking to itself.
Good one Josh.
Alan Kendall, climate scientists talking to themselves is how the 97% consensus figure was arrived at.
The remaining 3% either could not see their own reflection in a mirror, or reflects deeper schizophrenic conflicts with their own self awareness.
Do you have psychiatric training gC? Could explain a lot.
Liked your coverage of model induced forced polar bear and penguin migration, but what about the krill (for which we should be thankful)?
Perhaps they got confused by the story of the Moon tilting on its axis.
You know the saying "many a true word said in jest"? Sometimes it doesn't apply.
Who gives thanks for the coccolithophores, sedimenting out all that life giving and gently warming chemical, carbon whaddyacallit?
It's the Piltdown Mann, and the Gilded Schmidt; I've long been struck by their similarity of appearance and guile.
Kim: Maybe they were separated at mirth.
I would have thought Piltdown Mann to be a dead and buried forgery, and a gilded Schmidt to display extra plumage. O.K. one out of two isn't bad.
I like the cut of these jibes.
Kim, in European countries, the 'jib' on a sailing boat is referred to as a foc, fock, foque, fok etc
It would be dangerous to gybe without a clew in your flying foc. A hanked-on foc, with a clew, and a pair of sheets is safer, as you can have a tight sheet and a relaxed sheet, and your sheeting technique will allow more comfortable and relaxed sheeting movements and motions, whilst having a controlled foc. Being able to give a bit of sheet to your foc, will help you with unexpected wind, at crucial moments.
Teaching sailing in English, to Europeans, can lead to offence being given and received when none was intended, you just have to choose your translations carefully. It can be very dangerous, even when out of sight of the sea.
Climate science, on the other hand, tends to be gibberish, but I am unsure of the linguistic roots of 'climate science'.
>> I've long been struck by their similarity of appearance and guile. <<
And apparently - rather like Ian & Duncan Smith - they have never EVAH been seen together in the same room.
Conspiracy theory 101 (devoid of humour edition) © Kenny Baby
Golf Charlie. Be careful about referring to the hull of your sailing boat in France when in the presence of English ladies.
The French spelling is "coque"
Alan Kendall,
The problem for Krill, is that even with a sympathetic camera and photographer, they just don't look cute and cuddly. It worked with the Koala, as Australian Tourism found out, and when China realised how much money could be made out of Pandas without killing them or eating them, the seeds of capitalising out of stupid, gullible, round-eyed westerners were sown, and the World Wildlife Fund adopted the Panda for its corporate logo.
The humble Krill has played an important part of the ocean food chain, by eating plankton and turning it into food large enough for whales to filter out of seawater. Humans have found it easier just to harvest whales, with a large barbed needle and thread, rather than sewing large nets to filter whales out of seawater.
The ever resourceful and inventive Orientals have started to harvest Krill for human consumption, but I don't whether they have had to reinvent chopsticks, because otherwise there would be the risk of burning more calories getting Krill to the mouth, than would be generated by digestion.
Whether it is now necessary to kill the Krill, that have not been munched for lunch, by the dwindling whale population, I don't know. It may not be acidic seas that will eat us away, but populations of Krill without natural predators.
Can any currently sedentary sedimentary geologists advise of the correct population of Krill for the last 100 million year? If not, it is perfectly feasible to write reports advising of the apocalyptic Krill crisis happening NOW, because if no one can prove it isn't happening, then it must be happening.
Ivor Ward, no seafarer should be proud to display his upturned hull, particularly in France.
In climate science, an upturned hockey stick is no longer considered a fashion statement, in fact many believe it to be an embarrassing relic from a bygone era.
Dear golf charlie, your prose is beginning to exude pearls of bizarre brilliance. I salute you. Could this humble self suggest that you turn your energies planet-wise and help prevent runaway climate change?
At DeSmogBlog, we continue to suffer from ever decreasing number of visitors. Come by and experience a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity of intellectual defoliation.
Major malfunction gC.
Should have been gratitude "for all the fish", not krill. So this sedimentary (not sedentary!!) geologist has no intention of pursuing krill's long palaeontological history.
However, intrigued by chopsticks for krill. How many pairs would each need? Sadly knowledge of arthropod anatomy (and Douglas Adams) sadly not up to par.
Ayla, thank you for the kind invitation, however I am waiting for SurReal Climate to recognise it's true destiny, in fantasy physics and phantom fear.
In the words of Gypsy Rosie Lea Teaf, "May the Force of Easter Bunny, live hoppily ever after", as she sold lucky rabbits feet.
'Who gives thanks for the coccolithophores, sedimenting out all that life giving and gently warming chemical, carbon whaddyacallit?'
Foramed is forewarn.
Alan Kendall, I have never dissected a Krill, either in biology or in pursuit of culinary nirvana, but they do appear to lack an opposing thumb. However it is notable that chopsticks do not rely on an opposing thumb for efficient use, despite those people most likely to grow up using chopsticks having an opposing thumb.
Crabs and lobsters do not have an opposing thumb, but use their claw(s) as a gripping tool, with some ability to twist and manipulate their food on the way to their mouths, much like a pair of chopsticks. Westerners not adept in the use of chopsticks, do tend to wear a summary of their meal down their shirtfronts, unless they use a napkin tucked into their collar, rather than resting on their lap.
From my scuba diving days, I have never seen a crab or lobster in its natural habitat wearing a napkin, or having soy sauce food stains, down its front. Clearly they are actually far less messy in their eating habits, than wide-eyed westerners trying to cope with chopsticks in a chinese restaurant.
I have never scuba dived with Krill, but they are active swimmers, whereas crabs and lobsters always listen to their mother's advice, and sit down before eating, or have at least 4 feet on the ground before tucking in.
I have never visited China or Japan, but have wondered whether chopstick derived eating habits preclude the appeal of traditional Italian style spaghetti restaurants. I know I struggle eating spaghetti with a fork and spoon even with a knife as backup.
I also wonder whether the Japanese developments in micro engineering and electronics have been primarily due to their dexterity with tweezers as tools, as without acquiring these skills at an early age, they would have starved. If the American occupation forces that followed WW2 had succeeded in introducing the knife and fork to Japan, mobile phones might still be the size of a 1960s Cadillac, and Western tailoring of jackets and handbags might have evolved very differently.
I'll have a glass of whatever it is you lot are drinking.
Happy Easter!
I've just started on a bottle of 2010 Pessac-Léognan which I have to say is much over-rated. I can't keep up with golf charlie in this mood. He's starting to sound like Clive James.
Happy Easter to you — and everyone else, including gc when he emerges from what is surely going to be the mother of all hangovers!
Have recently been much concerned with effects of Thermageddon on well loved seasonal creatures.
Will Rudolph be confined to fridge-freezers?
Will we see a transmogrified Christmas bunny, and will the gift-giving giant Pumpkin (USA) ferment too early?
What to adore (and chocolatify) in super-enhanced springs of the future when there will be unprecedented oubreaks of barbecues, or will we all be underwater by then?
So much to worry about.
Northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, who cares, leave such questions for our betters. SAVE OUR EASTER BUNNIES will be the new warmista call to arms. Sceptics are doomed!
I confess Mike that we're on the Australian red, (a rather decent product of the Hunter Valley) and New Zealand Lamb, so a traditional, if antipodean, Easter feast for us. Not sure what comes next, maybe pumpkin flavoured reindeer shaped chocolate marinaded in seawater and barbecued in whale oil.
Traditional feasts used to be so simple before global warming....
It is Easter, March and in the UK, the clocks have just sprung forward. Climate scientists do not have the exclusive rights to writing totally insane rubbish, but they do get paid for it.
Mann may be losing his hair, but the mad March hare of climate science, gets ready to celebrate the annual feasting of seasonal northern hemisphere warming, with fresh crops sown, of stupid ideas for more unprecedented and unjustified funding, all to be harvested later in the year.
Of course, climate science funding now depends on the US Presidential elections. Will they get a fat-rich juicy turkey in time for Christmas, or a lean-trimmed nut cutlet?
GC I have been to China, Japan and South Korea. I have found many of the locals are not that good with chop sticks. Ask them to pick up a single grain of rice -not many can do. Picking up a krill would be easy see Krill size here Chinese, Japanese and Koreans shovel down their rice which is slightly sticky by piling it on top of the two chop sticks. Shoveling down krill like that would be a bit harder as the krill is bigger than rice. The Japanese like eating the heads of prawns so I am sure they would eat the krill whole after frying a batch in a wok.
Is this what is known as "pulling a Tijlander"?
"Of course, climate science funding now depends on the US Presidential elections. Will they get a fat-rich juicy turkey in time for Christmas, or a lean-trimmed nut cutlet?"
"lean-trimmed nut cutlet"
Preferably, nailed to the wall.