Bishop Hill

They blather to deceive

Levelized cost comparisons are a misleading metric for comparing intermittent and dispatchable generating technologies...
The standard way of comparing the cost of different types of electricity is to look at the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) per MWh.
From "Annex: How competitive is renewable energy" from the Global Apollo Programme, a new scheme from Lord Stern, Lord Rees, David King, Adair Turner and others.
Reader Comments (19)
Shouldn't it be titled "How competitive is UNRELIABLE energy" by Lord Stern?
If you tell a great big whopper of a lie in the title of your work, how credible is any of the content?
From the start of the GAP paper,
Apart from the xenophobic fear of mass migration, what is the technical definition of "tempest"?
I'm not sure Lord Stern is expecting anyone to read this paper.
Yes the BBC's Roger Harrabin has been propagandising yet again promoting more windfarms & solar arrays, with arch Humanity haters such as Sir David Attenborough telling him we need more of all this to make a difference! Thing is, he hasn't got much time left in this world, so won't have to live with the consequences of his blind faith! Oh how the trough deepens me thinks!
I too saw Harrabin on the BBC propaganda lunchtime programme. It was nothing but a promotion item for ruinables. I then saw the local news which was also about how wonderful solar farms are (except to the locals who are trying to protect their environment near Dartmoor).
This type of short term lie is a big mistake. The public don't like being taken for idiots.
You've got to give em credit tbh. How do you raise £150 billion for 'research' purposes to keep you in the standard of living to which you've become accustomed for the next decade? Why, simply ask for it! Undeniably brilliant.
They "Blatter" to deceive.
Blatter must view Stern as a beginner, when it comes to ripping off the modern world in politico-economics in the 21st century.
Criminality is in the eye of the beneficiary.
Philip B: I wonder how the 'ruinables' are managing with these awful gales all over the country?
Well I'll be blowed! Wind is currently at 18% !!
"Lord Stern, Lord Rees, David King, Adair Turner.."
The usual suspects, then.
Harry Passfield
Ruinables are unpredictables, care to guess what it'll be doing a week next Friday?
I think that this initiative is to deflect demands for the $100 billion annual transfer that will be made by developing nations at COP21.
Using LCOE hides the big difference in capacity factor between coal/gas/nuclear which is high compared to wind/solar which is low. As Stern et al are aware LCOE cannot accurately compare different fuel types which use different systems, however they deliberately choose to ignore this, as it fits their narrative.
This type of short term lie is a big mistake. The public don't like being taken for idiots.
Jun 2, 2015 at 2:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterTinyCO2
I'm afraid that the vast majority of the public ARE IDIOTS. That's why we refer to them as sheeple. The polis know this only too well. Look at your Cameron. He has lied, lied and lied again and yet he still one a majority.
@ Stephen/Steve Richards/Richardsrds: "I'm afraid that the vast majority of the public ARE IDIOTS. That's why we refer to them as sheeple. "
Bollocks, you arrogant "polis"/ex-"polis" hold the Electorate in your own /adopted countries in contempt. Then, when your extremist parties fail to make any significant gains in elections, you blame the public for being idiots.
SandyS: I came not to praise the darn 'ruinables' - but to damn them with irony. This weekend is going to show an extensive high over the country - with very light winds.
Harry Passfield: Irony, aside, it's not the percentage contribution that counts, but the actual amount of energy that these bird-mashers actually produce. Which generally is less than 3GW, and even on a windy day like today struggles to get above 5GW, despite a supposed total installed capacity of over 12GW.
The science of power generation is settled - again!
"I'm afraid that the vast majority of the public ARE IDIOTS. That's why we refer to them as sheeple. The polis know this only too well. Look at your Cameron. He has lied, lied and lied again and yet he still one a majority." Stephen Richards
They voted Tory because the alternative was a Labour SNP Lib Dem combo. Seems like a smart move to me.