Bishop Hill

Mann caught out again

Steve McIntyre reports that Michael Mann has been caught out grafting the thermometer records onto proxy data, something he claims that only happens in the fevered minds of evil-big-oil-funded-gaia-maiming deniers.
Reader Comments (24)
If Mann was a real scientist (along with Jones and co) they would be beating a track directly to McIntyres door to beg him for assistance with their work!
Because Mann and co aren't real scientists, they dont.
To call people like Mann scientists would be an abuse (or a misuse) of the English language.
Wouldn't it be a lot easier, if Mann's disciples went off on an expedition, arned with scaffolding and rope, to an area with bristlecone pines. They could then erect frames around the trees, and bend them into a hockey stick shape.
Over time, the bend would become permanent, for anyone to see, without bending maths and science.
Once harvested, with careful slicing, the trunks could be cut, to form sticks, to play hockey with.
Are there any CAGW Statisticians?
Ok, so Obama isn't interested in exposing this fraud. (He's part of the climate problem) So who is the next senior US politician who comes into the game from a different angle, and starts holding Mann et al to account? Policies worth $billions depend on the books being grossly cooked. It's about time Mann's goose got roasted instead.
Slywolfe, CAGW Statistics Lesson1
2 + 2 = 7 (+/-3)
Classic. "Stumpy" should be his nickname.
Well, if you ask any theft prevention expert (i.e, those trying to stop shoplifters), they will tell you that people can often blatantly walk out of a store with items because nobody thinks anyone could be as audacious as to do something so boldly and hope to get away with it.
Thankfully for the stores, they have video cameras.
Thankfully for the planet, we have the Bishop, Mr. Watts, Mr, McIntyre, Ms. Nova, Ms. Laframboise, et. al.
Every time terrorists butcher people, we are told that, despite their claims to be Muslim, we must not consider them to be really Muslim because Islam is a religion of peace. I think we should treat Mann the same way. Every time he butchers science, we need to remind people that even though he calls himself a scientist, he's really not one because science is a discipline devoted to honesty and the scientific method.
and still the "umpires" say Not Out!
In climate-speak, that would be "not inconsistent with safe".
Are we really supposed to accept that this man is a scientist, and a professor? Yuk!
I think post-modern science holds that equations are simply cultural constructs, and contain no absolute truth. To assign them any more power than that would be sheer bigotry, as it would discriminate between 'right' and 'wrong'.
The next logical step to take, as Naomi Klein has recently done, is to call all climate skeptics 'racists and white supremacists'.
Stan 9:22pm
Oh, reading what you wrote felt like downing a cold pint on a hot day! Really good.
Eugene WR Gallun
Interesting use of the word 'padding' in Michael Mann's vaguely concilatory message...
whatever the forcing, it relates to the rate-of-change of temperature, not the temperature itself. To relate the forcing to temperature requires the time-integral of the forcing. Search the 'time integral of sunspot number anomalies' to see a 95% correlation with average global temperature since before 1900.
Mann himself has claimed no real climate scientist has ever done this. Far be it from me to call Mann a liar therefor...
Mann is no more a scientist than a witch doctor is a doctor.
That evil underhand Mann! He cunningly concealed the combination of proxy and instrumental temperatures by, erm, plotting them in different colours.
Do get a grip.
This is probably too hard for you to grasp but there is no rationale for plotting the two different records as if one flows into the other. Nor does the smoothe change colour at the grafting point. And Mann did say that it is ridiculous to claim that grafting took place. Perhaps you need to wake up.
Ah, but they DO flow into each other, representing the same physical quantity - temperature - derived from proxy then instrumental records, with data from the different sources plotted in separate colours, changing at 1901, which according to Steve Mc, IS the changeover point.
What Mann wrote is this
No researchers in this field have ever, to our knowledge, “grafted the thermometer record onto” any reconstruction. It is somewhat disappointing to find this specious claim (which we usually find originating from industry-funded climate disinformation websites) appearing in this forum. Most proxy reconstructions end somewhere around 1980, for the reasons discussed above. Often, as in the comparisons we show on this site, the instrumental record (which extends to present) is shown along with the reconstructions, and clearly distinguished from them.
If the plot is actually intended to mislead readers into believing it is a single data series, as seems to be the implication why the colour-change? Huh?
So Phil it now your contention that the proxies match the instrumental record since 1901? If that is so, why was it necessary to make the change to an instrumental series? Surely the proxies would show the same result.
And your evidence for this interesting claim is…?Non-existent, I would conjecture. But – hey! – never let that stop you insisting that you be taken seriously!
No, my contention is that Dr Mann is demonstrably innocent of the sins he is accused of on this occasion. I've no idea why he switched to instrumental data, but there are several perfectly good reasons why he might want to,
RR - those are not my words, they are from a comment at RealClimate. Check the Climate Audit pettifogging nitpick for the reference.