Bishop Hill

Thought for the day

Saying that humans cause climate change is like saying alcohol causes babies. Sure, you might get some more, but it rather misses the point.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Saying that humans cause climate change is like saying alcohol causes babies. Sure, you might get some more, but it rather misses the point.
Reader Comments (17)
Some people say that, "familiarity breads content".
Others say that, " familiarity breads contempt".
Personally, I think that, familiarity breads..
@pesadia 1013 hrs. I think you mean breeds, not breads. :)
He was just loafing, Kevin.
Just a small one for me, please.
The point is the gravy train!
Why have an honest hardworking life when you can be a climate "scientist". Plenty of money, plenty of travel, good pension, no one checks the quality of your work, any criticism and you moan about academic freedom and you get awarded prizes from your climate mates for doing nothing!
Should it be 97% of climate "scientists" are a waste of space?
There's a baby in every bottle.
On Radio Five Live’s “Up All Night” programme last night, that clown “Doctor Karl” (who is usually good for a larf), began his hour-long slot by telling us that when he told his 14 year-old daughter that 2014 was the hottest year evah, and that it was “all our fault”, she burst into tears.
In my book that amounts to child abuse, and if he lived in the UK I would report him to the authorities. But he’s an Aussie. Anyone know what the Australian child abuse legislation has to say about such psychological torture of a 14 year-old?
Ha @Jack Dawkins .. I was actually listening before ..and I thought no I'd better to switch over before the Green nutcase Dr Karl comes on.
(wonder what the twittersphere said to his child abuse ?)
- Anyway I'd switched to 2GB (Australian talkradio) .where the DJ was there with 3 proper good climate points against blood pressure problem for me.
- On The Bishes hypothesis ..Well stupid religious dogma causes babies in the Philippenes
..and something can be done about that ..The Pope could just man up and say "you know what I'm not infallible and neither were my predecessors" ..but like our warmist's friends the orthodoxy has painted itself into a corner to the detriment of the humanity it intends to save.
- Now in the case of climate ..can we do something about the amount of CO2 seems the warmists are still swigging at the bottle ..who is in denial ?
I thought powercuts and 3days weeks caused babies too !!!!
BreibartUK : Ten Reasons Why The War On Co2 Has Done Far More Harm Than Good ..Law of unintended-consequences
Probably unlikely that Prof. Lindzen will be featured any time soon on the "up all night" programme, lacks alarmism and child abuse. Nice Peanuts parody there also. :)
In the cold UK winter of 1962/3 my parents were snowed in, and cut off, in a remote rural location for 10 days.
I was born 9 months later.
Blimey rat-arsed for 10 days!
Fervently believing in climate change increases the desire but reduces the performance.
Martyn, thanks, it never effected me at all!
GC - *you* were the effect.
The climate obsessed are not going to reconsider no matter the lack of fact or data to support their fanatical religious movement.